What were the 4 factors that drew B.N.A together?
Economic, Transportation, Defense, and Political.
When did George Brown enter politics?
The Fenians were...
An Irish nationalist organization founded in the U.S. that encouraged revolutionary activity to overthrow British rule in Ireland.
Who was left out of the right to vote/participate in political life in B.N.A?
Indigenous peoples and Women.
Which region of Canada did French Canadians live?
Canada East.
What was equal representation?
Each region has the same number of elected representatives.
George-Étienne Cartier was...
A political leader in the Canadas that had ties to railway companies.
John A. Macdonald was the leader of...
What prevented East-West trade from growing?
Large gaps in the railway system.
Why was intercolonial trade limited in B.N.A?
It was hindered by the lack of efficient transportation systems to move the goods from one colony to another.
What is reciprocity?
An exchange of privileges or favours as a basis for relations between two countries.
When and where was Thomas D’Arcy McGee killed?
In 1868 in Ottawa.
What is intercolonial trade?
Trade among the BNA colonies.
In 1999...
The Northwest Territories was divided into two and the territory of Nunavut was created.
In 1854...
The Great Western Railway (registered in 1834) completed a line from Niagara Falls, through Hamilton and London, to Windsor.
What was Canada East and Canada West's populations in 1861?
Canada East: 1 111 566
Canada West: 1 396 091
What were the four major political parties in the new parliament?
Conservatives (“Tories”), Liberals (“Grits”), Bleus, Rouges.
People of African descent...
Were usually descended from Loyalists and escaped slaves. Wanted to preserve the British connection and not get taken over by the U.S.
What are duties and tariffs?
Taxes on imported goods.
What is proportional representation?
A voting system in which a political party gets the same proportion of seats in government as the proportion of votes it received.
What role did the Baring Brothers play in influencing B.N.A to join together?
Barings stated that it would not lend any money for the Intercolonial as long as the colonies remained separate.
What is external trade?
Trade with countries and colonies outside of British North America.
The “Thin Red Line” was...
A strategy of lining soldiers in three ranks and not firing a shot until enemy troops advanced.
What were the three major defense issues B.N.A was experiencing?
Britain withdrawing its troops, the Fenians, and American Manifest Destiny.
What is Corn Laws?
British laws that governed the import and export of grain; in Britain, cereal grains were called corn.