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True or False?

Miss Zastrow ran cross country.



True or False?

Miss Zastrow went to the Spelling Bee/Competition.

True, she went 3 times (4th Grade, 5th Grade, 7th Grade).


True or False?

Miss Zastrow played on a recreational soccer team.

False, Miss Zastrow would often pretend she played soccer in her backyard but never played on a team.


Miss Zastrow ran cross country for a number of years. She began in Kindergarten (2004) and ran her last season in college (2017).  How many years did Miss Zastrow run cross country?

She ran for 15 years.


True or False?

Miss Zastrow enjoys watching horror movies.

False, Miss Zastrow watches horror movies on occasion but she lives romantic comedies the best. 


True or False?

Miss Zastrow did gymnastics when she was younger.

False, she did one summer camp but never learned gymnastics.


True or False?

Miss Zastrow got first place at an art show.

False, Miss Zastrow won a blue ribbon, not 1st Place, for a piece she drew in 5th Grade. 


True or False,

Miss Zastrow can play most sports with both hands. (ie. she can bat with her left and right hands)

True, often she learned to play a sport with her right hand and then her left hand.


Miss Zastrow loves to read books for fun.  In May, she read 4 books of varying lengths.  How many pages did Miss Zastrow read?

Book 1: 400 pages

Book 2: 345 pages

Book 3: 289 pages

Book 4: 557 pages

She read 1591 pages.

True or False?

Miss Zastrow was born in Illinois but moved to Wisconsin when she was 9 months old.

False, she has lived in Milwaukee her entire life.

True or False?

Miss Zastrow played on a basketball team. 

True, she played on a team for 5 years.


True or False?

Miss Zastrow was on the Math Team.

True, Miss Zastrow participated on the Math Team for 4 years (5th-8th Grades) and was invited to participate in high school.


True or False?

Miss Zastrow's favorite dessert is cake.

False, Miss Zastrow does not like cake, instead for her birthday she often made brownies for her classmates.


True or False?

Miss Zastrow ran a half-marathon.

True in December she finished her first half-marathon.


True or False?

Miss Zastrow had a speaking role in her 4th Grade play.

True, she played a flag that required her to tell the history about the flag.


True or False?

Miss Zastrow played on a volleyball team.

True, she played for 4 years on a team.


True or False?

Miss Zastrow memorized her states and capitals for the United States in 4th Grade.

False, in 7th Grade we spent almost 2 months learning our states and capitals. However, in 4th Grade we did presentations on different states.


True or False?

Miss Zastrow has three sisters.

False, Miss Zastrow has one older and one younger sister for a total of two sisters.


True or False?

Miss Zastrow enjoys playing card games.

True, Miss Zastrow loves card games and enjoys games that require her to add the most.


True or False?

Miss Zastrow used to get in trouble for talking to her friends during class.

True, she used to talk in class all the time until she got a detention in 4th grade for talking when she was not supposed to. 


True or False:

Miss Zastrow ran track and field.

True, she ran for 8 years.


True or False?

Miss Zastrow toured 35 colleges and applied to 5.

True, she began touring colleges after her freshman year of high school.


True or False?

Miss Zastrow fell twice in the same track race.

True, when running steeplechase, Miss Zastrow tripped twice during the 3000m race. 


True or False?

Miss Zastrow went scuba diving in the Pacific Ocean.

False, Miss Zastrow swam in the Pacific Ocean but never went scuba diving.


True or False?

Miss Zastrow enjoys roller coasters.

True, Miss Zastrow loves roller coasters. She once rode the same roller coaster 5 times in 20 minutes.