Name the tallest mountain on earth.
Mount Everest isn't the tallest mountain on Earth. Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa in Hawaii, the twin volcanoes, are taller than Mount Everest due to 4.2km of their heights being submerged underwater. The twin volcanoes measure a staggering 10.2km in total, compared to Everest’s paltry 4.6km.
What do honey bees taste with
Honey bees use their front feet, tongue, jaw and antennae to taste with!
Which book begins with the line, “Where’s Papa going with that ax?”
Charlotte’s Web.
In Tennessee, It's Illegal to Drive If You Are What?
Sounds reasonable — especially considering that Tennessee law also makes it illegal to catch fish using a lasso.
Iceland Diverted Roads to Avoid Disturbing Communities of What?
More than half of the country's population believe elves, dwarves, and ghosts exist, so they make sure not to upset them.
Do Comets smell?
Comets smell like rotten eggs. A comet smells like rotten eggs, urine, burning matches, and… almonds.
How many taste sensors are on the tips of a honey bees antennae?
The antennae on honey bees are very sensitive and important for tasting things. The tips of the antennae have more than 300 taste sensors!
What is the moral of “The Boy Who Cried Wolf”?
Not to lie.
In Florida, It's Illegal for Unmarried Women to Do What on Sundays?
The law is rarely, if ever, enforced.
In Which Country Was the Caesar Salad Invented?
The salad was invented by restaurateur Caesar Cardini who ran restaurants in San Diego and Tijuana.
True or False:
Children don't develop kneecaps until they are 1 year old.
They don't develop kneecaps until they are 3 years old!
What does a honey bees "Waggle dance" mean?
The 'Waggle Dance' or 'honey bee dance' enables worker honey bees to inform her sisters about great locations of food and water, or a new home.
Who wrote the poem, “The Owl and the Pussycat”?
Edward Lear.
Who visited the Miraculous staircase BEFORE Tim and Annemarie?????
Emmi Wilson
Who Invented the Word "Vomit"?
William Shakespeare
He also came up with “swagger,” “critic,” and “lonely.”
Ancient Romans Boiled Vinegar and What to Make an Energy Drink?
Goat droppings.
This sports drink of choice of Ancient Roman charioteers was believed improve their performance in the arena.
What color can bees NOT see?
What Are the Only Two Words with Three Consecutive Double Letters?
Bookkeeper and "Bookkeeping"
In the U.S.A., Every 12 Seconds Someone Does What in a Holiday Inn?
Steals a towel.
That's more than 2.7 million towels per year!
Native to the Caribbean, What Sort of Animal Is the Mountain Chicken?
A frog.
It's also known as “giant ditch frog.”
Which Country Has 6 Villages Called Silly, 12 Called Billy, and 2 Called Pratt?
What is the national bird of India?
Indian Peafowl.
Who wrote the poem, “Jabberwocky”?
Lewis Carroll.
What Did J. Edgar Hoover Bar People from Walking On?
His shadow.
What's the Hottest Pepper in the World?
Carolina Reaper
Warning: consumption may cause thunderclap headaches.