About Approach
ACCET Essentials 1
ACCET Essentials 2
Miscellaneous (Approach)
Miscellaneous (Truly Misc.)

What is Approach's mission? 

To provide high quality, flexible, and affordable education (p.2).


T, F, or NM (not mentioned): A student should be marked absent if they have missed more than ten minutes of any 45-minute period.

F: marked absent if they miss 10 mins or more of any 45-minute period (p.13).


What is Approach grading policy? Specifically, what are the different components that comprise students' letter grades, and what are their respective weights?  

Assignments: 30%

Midterm: 30%

Final: 40%



T / F/ NM (Not mentioned): Ss may leave early once they finished their exams and still receive attendance. 

F: mark 'em absent (p.15)


What is Approach's policy about L1 in the classroom? 

English only; L2 use is strongly discouraged (p.9).  


When we say that we are a school that uses the communicative approach / communicative method, what does that actually mean? 

It means that our lessons aim to give students opportunities to genuinely communicate with each other; in other words, we want students to communicate purposefully with each other in order to complete tasks (as people do in real life).  The root belief of CLT is that learning will occur naturally when people are communicating meaningfully (British Council, n.d.). 


In what year, did Approach first open it's doors? 

2002 (p.4)


What two things must be clearly defined on the whiteboard / chatbox at the beginning of every lesson?

The agenda and the objectives.  

Note: Ideally objectives should follow a SWBAT format, i.e. STUDENTS WILL BE ABLE TO... (p.9) 


Two-part question: (1) What should teachers go over with students on the first day of class? (2) And what should all teachers make sure that students have copies of on the first day of class?

The rules and the syllabus (p.13)


T / F / NM: It is ok to curve exam scores. 

F (p.15)


Where can rubrics for speaking and writing be found? 

In our shared Google Drive folder, "Shared with Teachers 2021" (p.11). 


What state is Jonathan originally from? 



In addition to the ESL program, name three other programs that are offered at Approach.

Possible answers: 

(1) the Business Program, (2) the ESL Internship Program, (3) AAP (Advanced Academic Preparation), Test Prep (TOEFL, GMAT, GRE, SAT), (5) ESL Cultural Program

(p.6 - 7)


According to the Faculty Handbook, what is the ideal student-to-teacher-talk-time ratio? 

70:30, i.e. 70% STT, 30% TTT (p.9)


How many assignments should be given each quarter? 

8 to 10 or any number within that range, as it may vary slightly from term to term.  Basically, we should have a minimum of one graded assignment per week during weeks in which there is no exam (p.14)


Generally speaking, partial credit may never be given to answers.  There is one exception to this.  What is it? 

NB: this is excluding speaking and writing tests.

When there is more than one part to an answer (e.g. matching questions on Testmoz), partial credit may be given (p.15)


What should be done in first-time cases of plagiarism? 

Explain the North American understanding of plagiarism in full, and give the student an opportunity to resubmit the work. 

NB: this should not be done in obvious cases wherein the student has copied entire or near entire works. Lastly, it's best not to assume that the student was intentionally being academically dishonest (p.16). 


What Massachusetts county is Boston in? 



What is Approach's vision for its students? 

To reduce the language and cultural gap between citizens of all nations so that they might have opportunities to become happy and productive citizens of the world regardless of where they live (p.5).


In addition to having student-centered classes, what language teaching methodology is used at Approach? 

CLT / Communicative Language Teaching / The Communicative Approach (–from Bonnie in the teacher's meeting about the ACCET visit) 


What is Approach's copyright policy? 

Teachers may supplement their classes with (1) teacher-made materials, or (2) materials that are either copyright-free or from a website that the T/Approach has a subscription to (p.12)


In what week or on what day (the #) are the midterm and final given? 

The midterm is given in week 6 / day 12, and the final in week 11 / day 22 (p.15). 


If you wish to take a field trip with your class, you must gain approval from an Academic Coordinator, and ask them __________________ (how far in advance). 

At least two weeks in advance (p.18). 


Two towns lie on Allston-Brighton's southern boundaries / borders.  What are they?  

Newton (SW) and Brookline (SE). 


As of 2020, how many countries were represented by the Approach student body? 

37 or at least 37 (p.4)


How should teachers give feedback on exams at Approach? 

They should give general feedback on common errors (-from Jonathan in the teacher's meeting about the ACCET visit)


What should all assignment grades reflect? 

The students' abilities to fulfill the objectives that are being assessed (p.14). 


Finish the sentence: If a student misses an exam without having received prior approval, they cannot make it up unless they provide _______. This must also be approved by ______ (who). 

-documentation that proves that their absence was necessary (e.g. a medical emergency) 

- the Academic Coordinator or DSO (Director of Studies)



Name the five criteria assessed in the students code of conduct grade. 

1. Arrives on time and stays.

2. Uses English only.

3. Respects other Ss and T. 

4. No inappropriate cellphone use.

5. Is prepared, i.e. has completed HW (p.14)


In Super Bowl LI (51), the Patriots had a fantastic comeback against which team? 

The Atlanta Falcons