How long does it take to set up Camp I?
What is 1 to 3 Weeks?
What kind of jacket do you wear on mt
what is a high-quality down jacket,
What do Sherpas do?
What is cooking,guides,porters?
What is a crevasse?
What is a deep crack in the ice?
What is the second stage of there Journey?
What is Khumbu Icefall?
what are Base layers
what is Worn next to the skin, these should be moisture-wicking and provide warmth.
What are Sherpas know for?
What is know for there climbing skills,work as guides?
What is a summit
What is the highest or tallest point on a mountain?
How many feet Is base Camp?
What is 17,600
what is Mid-layers
what is Insulating layer to add warmth
What is an ice Axe?
What is a tool used for climbing?
What is the most Dangerous part of the icefall?
What is the icefall?
what is Waterproof shell jacket and pants
what is Outer layer to protect against wind, rain, and snow
What is an porter?
What is an person enpolyed to cary stuff up the mountain?
what is a strider
what is one person that stays on my everste and someone climbs all the way up
What is a sherpa?
What is a group that works together?