True/False: It is okay for you to write your nickname and/or preferred name on your application.
False! You must put your full LEGAL name that was provide on your Birth Certificate.
Should you list your schools in a particular order?
No, you do not need to list your schools in a specific order
Do I have to report my parent/guardian information on my Financial Aid Application?
Ex: Marital Status, Yearly income, legal name etc.,
Yes, you must report this information on your FA Application
What is the minimum GPA requirement for CSU's & UC's?
3.0 UC GPA
When can you start applying for scholarships?
You can begin applying for scholarships NOW! The GEAR UP Website has numerous resources available to you
It's your senior year and you are applying for Financial Aid. What email should you use to create your account?
It is recommended to use your PERSONAL email. It is encouraged for you to create a "professional" email.
An example of an email not to use is:
How should you answer the question about your housing plans?
Always answer "YES" to student housing.
Name 5 A-G requirements
History Social Science, 2 years
English 4 years
Math 3 years
Science 2 years
Language other than English 2 years
Visual and Performing Arts 1 year
College Prep Elective 1 year
Do I, the student sign electronically or on paper?
You can sign electronically.
You must pay a $50 fee to apply for the CADAA or FAFSA?
FALSE! Both Financial Aid Applications are free.
What is a goal of the GEAR UP grant and what are two services offered from your GEAR UP program?
Goal: to make sure all 10th & 11th grade students are college and career ready
Services: Student/parent advising, workshops & field trips, dual enrollment, etc.
How many schools can be listed on your application?
You can list up to 10 schools on your application.
What does the acronym GEAR UP stand for?
Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs.
For the CADAA, how will my parent/guardian sign?
Your Parent/Guardian will sign using a 4 digit pin
Who files for CADAA?
Students who are undocumented and/or DACA recipients
If you are not married, your marital status will be...
Can you add more schools to your Financial Aid Application after you have submitted your application?
Yes you can add more schools
What is the definition of a LEGAL Guardian?
A legal guardian is someone who has legal, court ordered, custody of you
Can I make changes to my financial aid application AFTER my parent signs?
Yes! You CAN make changes to your application after you submit
What is the difference between subsidized and unsubsidized loan?
Subsidized: does not accumulate interest in school
Unsubsidized: Accumulates interest while in school
What is an FSA ID?
Your FSA ID is your username & password that you will use each time you log in to your FAFSA
What is a Federal School Code?
A Federal School Code is an identifier (6 digit code) that the U.S. Department of Education assigns to each college or career school that participates in federal student aid programs.
Fill in the Blank
A student that can legally make decisions for themselves without a parent or guardian is called an _______ minor.
How will my parent sign my FAFSA if they don’t have a SSN?
Parents who need to sign a FAFSA but don't have a SSN will need to print a signature page & mail it to FAFSA office
What does FAFSA and CADAA stand for?
Free Application for Federal Student Aid
California Dream Act Application