What is Montags first name?
What is Guy Montag?
Who has the job to burn books?
What are firemen?
What does Mildred want in the beginning of the book?
What is The Fourth wall?
At what degree does paper burn?
What is 451 degrees fahrenheit?
"Are you happy?"
Who is Clarisse
What is Montag hiding in the ventilator?
What are books?
who did Montag meet in the park?
What is Faber?
Why does Mildred need Montags help when he gets home?
What is she overdosed on sleeping pills
How many legs does the Hound have?
What is eight?
"Whole family moved out somewhere. But she's gone for good. I think she's dead."
Who is Mildred?
What book does Montag bring to Faber's house?
Who reported Montags books to the fire department?
What does Mildred do/say when Montag tells her she overdosed on sleeping pills?
How many books are fireman allowed to bring home once a year?
What is one?
"Well, take the night off!"
Who is Beatty?
What is four?
What poem does Montag start reading to Mildred and her friends?
What is Dover Beach?
What does Mildred like to do to blow off steam?
What is drive fast?
Where are "the relatives" located in Montag's home?
What is the Parlor?
"The world was bankrupted of ten million fine actions the night he passed on."
How long has Montag been a fireman?
What is ten years?
How does Clarisse test if someone is in love?
What is rubbing a dandelion under your chin?
Who is the White Clown?
What are the names of Mildred's friends?
Who are Ms. Phelps and Ms. Bowles?
"That's the good part of dying; when you've nothing to lose, you run any risk you want."
Who is Montag?