What is Montag’s job at the start of the novel?
A fireman who burns books.
"It was a pleasure to burn."
The narrator describing Montag’s thoughts.
What does fire symbolize at the beginning of the novel?
Destruction and control.
What does Montag do that makes Mildred's friends uncomfortable.
He reads them poetry.
What is illegal in Montag’s society?
Reading and owning books.
Who is the young girl that changes Montag’s perspective on life?
Clarisse McClellan.
"Are you happy?"
Clarisse McClellan.
What does fire symbolize for Montag at the end of the novel?
Rebirth and knowledge.
How does Mrs. Phelps react to the poem?
She starts crying but doesn’t understand why.
What device does Mildred constantly use to escape reality?
The parlor walls/TV screens.
What does Montag steal from a house he burns?
A book.
"We need to be really bothered once in a while. How long is it since you were really bothered?"
What do the firemen do instead of putting out fires?
They burn books and homes that contain them.
What does Montag do to get the women to leave his house?
He yells at them and throws the book into the fire.
What government organization hunts down Montag?
The Mechanical Hound and the firemen.
Where does Montag hide his stolen books?
Behind the ventilator grille in his house.
"You can’t ever have my books."
The old woman before she burns with her books.
What mythical creature is used as a symbol in the novel, representing both destruction and renewal?
The phoenix.
What is the name of the poem Montag reads?
Dover Beach
What does Captain Beatty try to convince Montag about books?
That they are dangerous and contradictory, leading to unhappiness.
What happens to Clarisse McClellan that terrifies Montag?
She dies because of an accident, and people thinks that is okay.
"There must be something in books, things we can’t imagine, to make a woman stay in a burning house."
What is the official slogan of the firemen?
"Monday burn Millay, Wednesday Whitman, Friday Faulkner."
What do the women say about their children and husbands that show their shallow nature?
They see their children as a burden and don’t care if their husbands die in war.
Why does the government broadcast a fake capture of Montag?
To maintain control and make the public think they caught him, even though he escaped.