This theme emphasizes the dangers of removing information?
Who is the protagonist of Fahrenheit 451?
Guy Montag
Who is the fire chief and antagonist in the story?
Captain Beatty
is a lack of interest or concern; it manifests in the citizens' indifference towards the world around them and the absence of meaningful relationships.
The fire is described as "devouring" the books.
This dystopian theme explores the search for identity and meaning in a conformist society.
Loss of Individuality
What event prompts Montag to question the society he lives in (the most)?
Montag witnesses a woman choosing to die with her books
What is the name of Montag's wife who is obsessed with television?
means adhering to societal norms and expectations; in the novel, it is illustrated through the characters' lack of individuality and critical thinking.
"Fire dances like a living creature."
What dystopian theme is explored by
Montag's fear of the Hound?
What does Montag do with the books he steals?
He hides them in the ventilator grill and reads them.
Identify the character who introduces Montag to the idea of questioning society.
Clarisse McClellan
is the belief that life is meaningless; it relates to the characters’ despair and detachment from reality in Fahrenheit 451.
Montag is described as a "fire" that is beginning to awaken.
What dystopian theme is explored with the analogy that school is just a bunch of funnels with water?
What is the climax of the story where Montag takes a stand against the firemen?
Montag confronts Beatty and ultimately rebels against the firemen, killing Beatty and the other firemen
Who is Beatty, and what role does he play in Montag's life?
The fire captain and antagonist
Cognitive dissonance
is the mental discomfort experienced when holding contradictory beliefs; it applies to Montag's conflict between his role as a fireman and his growing desire for knowledge and change.
What does the "fire" symbolize in Montag's life and in the society?
"Fire" symbolizes destruction and transformation in Montag's life.
Which dystopian theme is explored with the constant media distractions, even on the subway with the advertisement?
Describe the ending of Fahrenheit 451 and Montag's fate.
Montag escapes the city, joins a group of intellectuals, and hopes to rebuild society.
Explain the significance of Clarisse McClellan in Montag's transformation.
Clarisse questioning of the status quo
This term describes the deliberate destruction of books
Explain the metaphor of the "Phoenix" at the end of the novel.
The "Phoenix" represents renewal and the cyclical nature of society