This is what Mildred claims happened to Clarisse and her family.
Clarisse was run over by a car and her family moved away.
This is something that the Montag house can also do to make the life of the family better. It does not seem to contribute much to their happiness.
What is butter their toast?
These are possible explanations for why Mildred did not tell Montag of Clarisse's passing for four days.
Mildred is so disconnected from reality that she forgets to tell Montag that Clarisse was killed and her family moved away; she does not even consider the possibility that this news might upset Montag in any way. They have a shallow, meaningless relationship and Mildred is ignorant and insensitive.
A literary device in which a writer gives an advance hint of what is to come later in the story.
What is foreshadowing?
This is your rephrasing of the quote in your own words.
What is the translation portion of the commentary?
This is how Montag refers to the actors who perform in the shows that Mildred watches on the parlor walls.
What are relatives?
This is how Mildred wishes to feel as opposed to Montag after the old woman takes her own life among her books.
Mildred wishes to be left alone, while Montag wishes to be bothered about something important.
This is why Montag uses the term that he does to refer to the actors in the television shows that play on the parlor walls.
The term highlights the way that, because of media, people have become so lonely that they feel more connected to images on a screen than their actual family members. It stresses Mildred's preoccupation with the actors as opposed to her own husband.
A device which describes an object or action in a way that is not literally true, but helps explain an idea or make a comparison. One thing IS another that it is actually not.
What is a metaphor?
This is the explanation of why and how the quote you have selected proves one of the reasons in your topic sentence.
What is analysis portion of the commentary?
This makes Montag vomit on the morning after they burn the old woman and her thousand books.
What is the smell of kerosene?
This is another possibility of what happened to the McClellan family.
What is that they were eliminated by the government for their controversial thoughts and actions.
Read this quote: “Outside the house, a shadow moved, an autumn wind rose up and faded away. But there was something else in the silence that he heard. It was like a breath exhaled upon the window. It was like a faint drift of greenish luminescent smoke…
This is Montag's interpretation of the breath and smoke AND this is what it indicates about Montag's state of mind.
What is the Hound stalking Montag? What is realistic?
This is visually descriptive or figurative language, especially in a literary work.
What is imagery?
Your topic sentence includes two of these which are based on the evidence that you select. They appeared at the end of our most recent topic sentence (as revealed by _____________ and _____________).
What are details?
This is how Mildred responds to Montag's illness.
What is she does not want to call Captain Beatty and denies that he is ill?
This is how Mildred's viewpoint about the death of the woman with one thousand books differs from the viewpoint of Montag.
What is she blames the woman and hates her for getting Montag worked up? What is Montag wants to quit his job?
This is what can be inferred from the following quote about Mildred: "He felt her there, he saw her without opening his eyes, her hair burnt by chemicals to a brittle straw, her eyes with a kind of cataract unseen but suspect far behind the pupils, the reddened pouting lips, the body as thin as a praying mantis from dieting, and her flesh like white bacon” (45-46)?
What is Mildred is indifferent to life? Readers can infer that she does not care about her own health. After reading the description of Mildred’s body, it is easy to tell what Mildred thinks about her own health. She chooses entertainment over anything, including her life.
This is a reference, typically brief, to a person, place, thing, event, or other literary work with which the reader is presumably familiar.
What is an allusion?
This is the background information that precedes the sentence with your lead-in and quote. It makes the situation in which your quote is located clear.
What is context?
This is why Montag became a fireman.
What is he felt that he had no choice? He ran to the profession mindlessly like his father and grandfather before him.
This is how Beatty's knowledge contradicts his actions and attitude.
What is Beatty is able to quote the contents of literature and knows facts such as the reference to Latimer, the martyr from 1555, and yet still continues to burn and to pressure Montag to do so?
The phoenix is a symbol for renewal, for life that follows death in a cleansing fire. This is what the phoenix might symbolize at this point of he novel.
Humanity continues to make foolish mistakes and must be cleansed of these through fire. The firemen may see the burning of the books and possessions as a potential rebirth for the criminals.
These are exaggerated claims not to be taken literally.
What is hyperbole?
This is the sentence that serves as a bridge between the first piece of evidence with its context and commentary and the second piece of evidence with its context and commentary.
What is the transition sentence?