Iron Heinrich, Heinrich
The fairytale with religious themes
"The Poor Man and the Rich Man"
The object the princess dropped down the well
A golden ball
Fairytales started off as
Oral Traditions, Spoken, Old Wives Tales
The peasant is known for being
The peasant beating the devil shows
Good triumphs over evil
The first corp the peasant planted
The Grimms edited the collected fairytales because of
Religion, Parents
"Iron Heinrich" sends what message
Don't judge by appearances, keep your word
The devil is sitting on it
Fairytale tales are often influenced by
Real Life Events
A character who values always keeping your word
The King
An element that appears in all three fairytales
The element of threes
The second wish of the rich man
That his wife be on the saddle and not be able to get off
You do this when you read fairytales
Suspend disbelief
A character who welcomes a disguised character and gives them a bed
The Poor Man's Wife
The overlap between "The Peasant and the Devil" and "The Poor Man and the Rich Man"
Religious themes, the devil
First wish of the poor man
Eternal Salvation
This many Grimm story appear in our book