What three components of fire represent the Trinity?
Heat, Light, and Flame (CO2)
What is "The Fall of Man"?
The first sin of mankind where Adam and Eve abuse their free will by disobeying God, separating humanity from God through sin.
Where was Jesus baptized?
The Jordan River
How many pillars do Coptic Orthodox Churches have?
4 or 12
The Comforter and Helper both refer to which Hypostasis/Person of the Trinity?
The Holy Spirit
What is the Incarnation?
God taking flesh from the Virgin Mary (the birth of Jesus Christ).
Why was John the Baptist relucant to baptize Jesus?
He considered himself unworthy to baptize Jesus and that Jesus should rather baptize him.
What is antiphony?
Hymns chanted with alternating sides of the church during liturgical services
What is the difference between Essence and Hypostasis?
The Trinity is 3 Hypostases (persons) in 1 Essence. Essence describes the nature of something and WHAT something is while hypostasis means WHO something is.
How are we created in the image of God?
virtue, reason, free will
What did the voice that spoke from heaven say about Jesus?
"This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased."
Which Liturgy is most often used in the church: Liturgy of St. Gregory, Liturgy of St. Basil, or Liturgy of St. Cyril?
Liturgy of St. Basil
What is Essence and Person in Greek?
Ousia and Hypostasis
What does Sanctification mean?
To become Holy like God
How does the Baptism of Christ show all three Hypostases at once?
Christ (the Son) is being baptized while God (the Father) speaks from heaven as a dove descends from heaven (the Holy Spirit).
Which sacrament includes being able to speak about anything on your mind without judgment?
Confession & Repentance
The _ is begotten from the _ and the _ proceeds from _
The Son is begotten from The Father and the Holy Spirit proceeds from The Father
What is the name for the mysteries of salvation that God works in us through rites of the Church?
The Sacraments
St. John the Baptist says that while he baptizes with water, Jesus would baptize with _
The Holy Spirit and fire (Matthew 3:11)
What is a Melismatic hymn?
A coptic hymn that includes the prolongation of a vowel or syllable