The Presentation of the gifts, Prayer over the Offerings, Eucharistic Prayer, Holy, Holy, Holy, Consecration, Mystery of Faith, Doxology, The Lord's Prayer, Sign of Peace, Lamb of God, and Communion are prayers for this part of the Mass.
What is the Liturgy of the Eucharist?
Every individual is created in God's image and therefore possesses inherent worth.
What is the foundation of Social Justice?
This means to be united with the Holy One in reception of the Eucharist.
What is "Holy Communion"?
This is the Lord's resurrection and lasts for 50 days.
What is Easter?
This solemnity honors Mary's role as the mother of Jesus and occurs on January 1.
What is the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God?
Take your staff and throw it down and it will be turned into this.
What is a snake?
The livestock of Israel will be spared from this plague?
What is the pestilence?
Pharoah’s daughter adopted this child.
Who is Moses?
This place had bitter water which the Israelites could not drink.
What is Marah?
This is where Moses received the Ten Commandments. Chapter 19-20
What is Mount Sinai?
On whomever you see the Spirit come down and remain, his is the one who will
baptize with the Holy Spirit.
Who is the Son of God (Jesus)?
The son of the royal official was ill in Capernaum. Jeus tells him you may go; your
son will live.
What is the second sign (miracle) at Cana?
The scripture says this person will be of David’s family, and come from
Bethlehem, the village where David lived.
Who is the Messiah?
This person anointed the Lord with perfumed oil and dried his feet with her hair.
Who was Mary?
A part of the Catholic Mass that focuses on the word of God.
What is the Liturgy of the Word?
Society should be organized so that all people can reach their full potential and live with dignity.
What is the principal of "common good"?
This means "thanksgiving", and is a sacrament that commemorates Jesus' sacrifice on the cross.
What is the Eucharist?
Celebrated on December 25 this is the birthday of the Son of God.
What is Christmas or the Solemnity of the Nativity of our Lord?
On November 1, the Catholic Church honors all the saints in Heaven.
What is All Saints Day?
This is what happens when Aaron stretches out his hand over the waters of Egypt.
What is the water was changed into blood?
The Lord ordered Moses and Aaron to take a double handful of soot from a
furnace and scatter it to the sky causing this plague?
What are the boils?
Moses fled to this land after killing an Egyptian to protect a Hebrew.
What is Midian?
This place had twelve springs of water and seventy palm trees.
What is Elim?
For six years you may sow your land and gather in its produce. Then you shall let
the land lie untilled and unharvested, that the poor among you may eat of it.
What is the seventh year?
Translated this means “teacher”.
What is Rabbi?
I cannot do anything on my own; I judge as I hear, and my judgment is just
because I do not seek my own will.
What is the will of the one who sent me?
This person should be the first to throw a stone at the woman who committed
Who is the person without sin?
The dead man came out tied hand and foot with burial bands, and his face was
wrapped in a cloth.
Who is Lazarus?
This part of the Mass involves the presentation, consecration, and reception of the consecrated elements in Holy Communion.
What is the Liturgy of the Eucharist?
The environment is a gift from God, requiring humans to act as stewards and care for creation.
What does the Church teach about the environment?
This celebration is important to Catholics because it is the source and summit, and the body, blood, soul and divinity of Christ.
Why do we celebrate the Eucharist?
This feast is the close of the Christmas season.
What is the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord?
The day Mary was assumed body and soul into Heaven.
What is the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary?
The frogs will swarm all over you and your subject and your servant.
What is the second plague?
Lightning crashed and hail rained down.
What is the seventh plague?
This is holy ground and Moses had to remove these.
What are sandals?
In the desert of Sin, God sent this food in the morning and the evening.
What is manna and quail?
The ark of the covenant was made of this kind of wood.
What is acacia wood?
Nathanael saw him under the fig tree?
Who is Jesus?
This remained after a little boy shared 5 barley loaves and 2 fish.
What are twelve wicker baskets of leftovers?
Everyone who commits sin is one of these.
Who is a slave of sin?
He was a high priest.
Who was Caiaphas?
The entrance song, greeting, Penitential Act, Glory to God and the Collect are prayers for this part of the Mass.
What are the prayers said during the Introductory Rites of the Mass?
Marriage and the family are the central social institutions that must be supported and strengthened.
What is the role of the family in Catholic Social Teaching?
Baptized Catholics in a state of grace can receive this.
Who can receive the Eucharist?
This feast takes place on January 6, and is referred to as "Three Kings Day"?
What is the feast of the Epiphany?
This feast day is on December 8 and states that Mary was born without original sin.
What is the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary?
The dust of the earth was turned into this.
What are the gnats?
This swarm will eat up all the vegetation and whatever the hail has left.
What are the locusts?
This is the name of God.
What is I AM?
The Israelites ate manna for this many years.
What is 40?
The dwelling itself was made out of sheets woven of this.
What is linen?
Everyone serves good wine first and then when people have drunk freely, an
inferior one, but you have kept the good wine until now.
What is the miracle of the Wedding at Cana? (first miracle)
The disciples saw this when they went down to the sea, embarked in a boat and
went across the sea to Capernaum.
What is Jesus walked on the sea(water)?
This is so the works of God might be visible.
Why was the man born blind?
This was the cost of perfumed oil that Mary used to anoint the feet of Jesus.
What is three hundred days wages?
The First Reading, Responsorial Psalm, Second Reading, Gospel Acclamation, Gospel, Homily, Profession of Faith, and Universal Prayer are the prayers for this part of the Mass.
What are the prayers for the Liturgy of the Word?
The Church strongly advocates for peace and actively works to prevent conflict, but if just and unavoidable war should be a last resort.
What is the Church's stance on peace and conflict?
This is activity is meant to inspire Catholics in the U.S. to fall in love with Jesus in the Eucharist and to share that love with others.
What is the purpose of the "Eucharistic Revival"?
When the angel Gabriel announced to the Virgin Mary that she would conceive and bear the son of God.
What is the feast of the Annunciation?
Jesus did this forty days after his Glorious Resurrection.
What is the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord?
The land of Goshen was spared this plague.
What are the flies?
This darkness lasted for three days.
What is the Ninth plague?
Realizing he made a mistake in letting the Israelites go, Pharoah pursued them to
this sea.
What is the Red Sea?
Moses struck this and water came flowing from it.
What is the rock?
A breast piece, an ephod, a robe, a brocaded tunic, a miter and a sash are this.
What are priestly vestments?
Jesus said to her, “give me a drink.”
Who is the Samaritan woman?
Whoever comes to me will never hunger, and whoever believes in me will never
What is the bread of life?
The blind man washed in this and was able to see.
What was the pool of Siloam?
Love one another.
What is the new commandment?
Every human possesses fundamental human rights especially for the poor and
vulnerable, advocating for social structures that promote the common good for
all people.
What is the Church’s view on human rights?
You should not eat or drink anything except water for one hour before Holy
What is observe the Eucharistic fast?
This solemnity is celebrated 50 days after Easter and we remember the gift of the
Holy Spirit.
What is the Solemnity of Pentecost?
This Solemnity celebrates the Angel Gabriel announcing to the Virgin Mary that
God chose her to carry His son.
What is the solemnity of the Annunciation?
Apply blood to the two doorposts and lintel of every house.
What is the Passover?
The tenth and final plague.
What is the death of the firstborn?
Miriam held this in her hand after the Lord made the waters of the sea flow back
upon the Egyptians.
What is a tambourine?
As long as Moses held these up, the Israelites had the better of the fight against
What are his hands?
This is a perpetual covenant kept throughout the generations for the Israelites.
What is the Sabbath?
Whoever drinks the water Jesus will give will never thirst again.
What is the living water?
They tried to arrest him but on one laid a hand upon him.
What is his hour had not yet come?
The sheep hear his voice, as he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out.
Who is the Good Shepherd?
There are many dwelling places here.
What is my Father’s house?
This means being free from mortal sin.
What is a state of grace?
This feast takes place forty days after Jesus’ birth, when Mary and Joseph take
their newborn son to the Temple.
What is the feast of the Presentation of the Lord?
This solemnity occurs the Sunday after Pentecost and celebrates the central
mystery of our faith, the three persons in one God.
What is the solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity?
Moses’ wrath flared and he threw the tablets down.
What was he saw the golden calf and people dancing?
This person asked Jesus, are you the king of the Jews?
Who was Pilate?
This is called the Place of the Skull in Hebrew.
What is Golgotha?
This person removed the body of Jesus.
Who was Joseph of Arimathea?
The soldiers placed this on Jesus’ head.
What is the crown of thorns?
This is the belief that the bread becomes the body of Christ and the wine and
water become the blood of Christ.
What is transubstantiation?
This feast is celebrated each year on the first Sunday after Christmas and honors
the family life of Jesus.
What is the Feast of the Holy Family?
The soldiers gave this to Jesus to wear.
What is a purple cloak and crown of thorns?
Pilate had this inscription written and put on the cross.
What is Jesus the Nazorean, the King of the Jews?
They divided Jesus’ garments among the soldiers, but for this they cast lots.
What is my vesture?
When Jesus took the wine and bowed his head, he said this.
What is “it is finished”?