How many testaments are there?
2, New and Old
Which VCE subjects does CRCS offer for religion?
Which religious denomination is CRCS?
Roman Catholic
What part of Adam did God use to create Eve?
Luke's Gospel
How many Gospels are there?
How many feeder schools 7-10 are there?
What does it mean to polytheistic?
Have more than one God
What does the word Gospel mean?
Good News
Where was Jesus when he delivered the beatitudes?
On a mountain
Where did Adam and Eve live?
Garden of Eden
Which building are RE classes in?
SHH building
Which religion has the Qur'an
How did God let Noah know he would never flood the world again?
He sent a rainbow
Example of living out the beatitude of
Blessed are you who weep now, for you will laugh.
On which day did God create humans?
6th day
Which priest created CRCS?
Fr. John O'Reilly
Which religion believes in karma and reincarnation?
Where was Moses when he received the 10 commandments?
Mt. Sinai
Finish the beatitude
"Blessed are you who weep now,
hint: happiness
for you will laugh.
In what language was the Old Testament written?
What's our CRCS motto?
Faith Seeking Understanding
Which religion believes in the concept of nirvana?
How many books in the bible?
Finish the beatitude:
Blessed are you who are hungry now
hint: eaten well
for you will be filled.