Reading during mass
What is Liturgy of the Word
Happens to infants. Initiation into the Catholic Church
Prayer we say at mass and before class
Our Father
Who did Jesus raise from the dead
The first Saint
Beginning of the Mass
What is Introductory Rite
One of the prayers we say in the rosary and in class
Hail Mary
Who stopped the storm?
The father of Jesus
Saint Josephj
Receiving the Eucharist
What is Liturgy of the Eucharist
When the bread and wine becomes the body and blood of Christ
Song at mass before the Gospel
What happened to the 5 loaves and 2 fishes
They became enough to feed 5,000 people and have 12 baskets left.
She took care of the ill in Calcutta and won the Nobel Peace Prize
Mother Teresa
Go out and share
What is the Concluding Rite
Asking for forgiveness of sin
Prayer after receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation
Act of Contrition
What happened to the water at Cana
It turned into wine
He put gifts in shoes
St. Nicolas
Consecrating of the Eucharist
Given if someone is sick or dying
Anointing of the Sick
Prayer said or sung at the beginning of Mass
After Jesus was buried, who spoke to Mary
He lived in ireland and his feast day is in March
St. Patrick