What is a confession?
An expression of what we believe.
The only fight a believer is called to fight.
The good fight of faith.
Our faith is measured by…
Our Confession
The Greatest Enemy to Faith.
What triggers doubt?
It’s dangerous to have your faith based on feelings. Why?
Feelings change.
Lack of faith comes from….
Lack of knowledge of God’s Word
We need what 2 things to cause our faith to grow?
Feed it & Exercise it.
Two things rob people of God’s blessings.
Doubt & Fear.
What causes people to lose their healing?
Counter Attacks by the enemy. Making them believe they never received it in the first place.
If the thief doubt wasn’t present in Matthew 13:53-58, what would the passage be like?
Jesus performed many miracles!!
We need to know our place in Christ. Why?
It causes us to walk in the light of who we are and what we have in Christ. We can then confidently stand in faith!
Should God’s word be a daily part of our speech, conduct, and actions?
Why couldn’t the disciples bring deliverance to the demon possessed boy in Matthew chapter 17?
What are we doing when we’re trying the Word?
How do we exercise our faith?
Being a doer of the word and acting on it daily.
Which 2 confessions have to harmonize in order for us to become mighty in our prayer life?
Confession of our hearts & Confession of our lips!
Confession comes before…..
What can be learned from Jairus in Mark chapter 5?
Don’t fear! Fear will allow doubt to enter. Only believe!!
Why did Peter begin to sink in Matthew chapter 14?
He took his eyes off of Jesus and began to look at his circumstances. He acted on what he saw!
Christianity is sometimes called?
The Great Confession.
Do we need to hold fast to our confession when fighting the good fight of faith? Why or why not?
Yes!! Our faith is measured by our confession. Our confessions rule us. We are snared by the words of our mouth.
What should we be confessing?
Who we are and what we have in Christ.
John the Baptist doubted. What does that tell us? How do we overcome it?
Extreme trauma/situations can cause even the strongest in faith to doubt. Jesus didn’t condemn him, but reacted with compassion. Overcome it by not looking at the circumstances. Acting on God’s Word.
How do you feed your faith?
Reading & Meditating on God’s Word. Hearing His Word being preached & taught.