This revolutionized journalism and access to news.
What is the internet?
An image, video, or infographic presented on social media.
What is a social media post?
The Sea World instagram does this to prevent receiving criticism on posts.
What is limited comment section?
List some describing words of the tone towards the end of the video.
What are hopeful, happy, cheerful, etc?
Expanded communication, has accounts called "bots."
What is social media?
The text under/above the post that describes it and adds info.
What is a caption?
Sea World's view on animal confinement is biased, mainly because of this reason.
What is profitting?
The group or audience the video is catering to.
What are animal lovers or activists?
Terrorism conspiracies pertaining to this region were spread during big events i.e. bombings.
What is the Middle East?
Important factors of the account that affect analysis. Ex: credibility. (name at least 2)
What is bias, branding, influence, goal, message?
These two factors make the Sea World Instagram account highly influential.
What is large following (463k followers), limited comment section to only show positive interaction?
Significance of the tone shift to the message of the video.
What is it shows that change can be made and is already happening?
Wikipedia and Huffington Post are examples of sites that helped with this.
What is moving journalism from paper to online?
Audience reactions to the post. Ex: comments. (2 answers)
What are likes and shares?
Significance of the pun and the word "smile" in the caption.
What is Sea World's ignorance of the unhealthy conditions and positive light on the situation?
The purpose of using the words "horrifying" and "brutal" in the caption.
What is to show the authors values/they are passionate about it?
These people/sources contributed to the spread of fake news. (3 answers)
What are publishers, comedians, social media?
Levels/types of sentiments
What is positive, negative, neutral?
The purpose of the video.
What is to show that dolphins are happy and healthy, and to advertise the company?
The purpose of the video.
What is to display the horrors of animal cruelty and to show the issue can be fixed?