Rhetorical Terms
Research and Formatting
Semicolon Use
Parallel Structure

His jaw was in his throat, his upper lip and teeth were gone is an example of this.

What is imagery?


This has the primary aim of teaching or instructing, especially moral or ethical principles.

What is didactic?


The Works Cited page lists this.

What is all of the sources you used in the paper?


A semicolon joins these two things.

What are independent clauses?

Parallel structure means that all words, phrases, and clauses are this.

What is equal?


Greased, offed, and zapped while zipping are all examples of this.

What is colloquial language?


This is the non-literal, associative meaning of a word; the implied, suggested meaning.

What is connotation?


When using the author's name in a parenthetical citation, this part of his/her name is included.

What is the last name?


The semicolon would be placed here in the sentence below

The tree was filled with ornaments the stockings were filled with gifts.

What is the tree was filled with ornaments; the stockings were filled with gifts.


The parallel structure in the sentence

He enjoys hiking, skiing, and camping

is this.

What is hiking, skiing, camping?


The soldiers carry more emotional weight than physical weight is an example of this.

What is irony?


This is when two words, phrases, images, or ideas are placed close together or side by side for comparison or contrast.

What is juxtaposition?


In a correctly formatted MLA heading, the teacher's name is on this line.

What is the second line?


This is always the order for using semicolon and conjunctive adverb in a sentence.

What is semicolon, conjunctive adverb, comma?


This is the change that is needed in the sentence

I need to shop, baking, and clean before the party

to make it parallel.

What is change baking to bake?


Kiowa dies this way.

What is sinking into a field of sewage?


This is when a single word or short phrase that interrupts normal speech, is used to bring emphasis to the words on either side of it.

What is expletive?


The thesis statement is located here.

What is the last sentence of the introductory paragraph?


This is the correct punctuation for the sentence below

Jim likes fruitcake however John does not.

What is Jim likes fruitcake; however, John does not.


This is the phrase that is not parallel in the sentence

He began his day with taking a shower, brushing his teeth, and made his lunch.

What is made his lunch?


O'Brien believes a true war story is about this.

What is not the absolute truth or the point, but how the story makes you feel and what you learn from it?


A news release that claims "The White House declared" rather than "The President declared" is using this.

What is metonymy?


This point of view is accepted in formal, analytical writing.

What is third person point of view?


This is the correct punctuation for the sentence below

The snow is falling outside therefore we will build a cozy fire.

What is The snow is falling outside; therefore, we will build a cozy fire.


This is the change that is needed to make this sentence parallel

The jolly man gave a raise to his workers because they worked through the night, they were smiling all the time, and they met their deadline.

What is change were smiling to smiled?