Outcomes Intervention
Performance Improve-ment
The national coding color for fall prevention.
What is yellow?
The name of the evidenced-based fall risk assessment tool used at Memorial Hospital of Rhode Island.
What is the Schmid Fall Risk Assessment Tool?
The patient behavior(s) that justify implementating Safety Alert (high fall risk) when the assessed fall risk score is 0 - 2 (low).
What is when the patient is unable or unwilling to follow instructions related to safety?
When a patient is high fall risk (Safety Alert in place), is a bed alarm an appropriate intervention.
What is ALWAYS yes?
When patients and family are educated about the Safety Alert Program and safety measures.
What is on admission and any other appropriate time to reinforce information?
Sign that alerts all hospital employees that a patient is at high risk for falls
What are the falling stars?
The Schmid score that relates to low fall risk.
What is 0 - 2?
The appropriate nursing diagnosis to add to the plan of care.
What is risk for injury?
Every 15 - 30 minutes.
What is how often a patient is checked that is a high fall risk?
The proactive process the hospital is using to promote patient safety and improve patient satisfaction. This strategy of checking on patient needs effectively reduces monthly call light use by 38%, patient falls by 50% and skin breakdown by 14%, while simultaneously increasing satisfaction scores.
What is purposeful hourly rounding?
Yellow star magnets are placed here to alert staff that a patient is on Safety Alert.
What is outside the patient's room and on the patient locator board?
The Schmid score that relates to high fall risk.
What is greater than or equal to 3?
Complete an event (incident) report including how patient was found, accurate Schmid score and interventions completed, including notification to MD and administrative coordinator.
What is following a patient fall?
Five interventions for patients at high fall risk.
What are yellow armband, don't leave patient alone during toileting, check patient every 15 - 30 minutes, activate bed alarm, identify room with yellow star magnet, apply chair alarm as appropriate, move patient to room with visual access to nursing station, reinforce the need to call for assistance to move from bed, chair, wheelchair, toilet, etc., limit combinations of medications when possible?
Any unplanned landing on the floor, including a patient being assisted to the floor by the nursing staff.
What is the definition of a fall?
The sign or intervention used for patients at very high fall risk and that staff have highest concern.
What is the "Check on Me" sign?
When the Schmid fall risk assessment is completed.
What is on admission, daily thereafter and following a documented fall?
The Schmid fall risk assessment score based on the following patient criteria: 1) history of falls prior to admission; 2) ambulates with assist; 3) Ativan order; and 4) needs assistance with toileting.
What is a score of 4?
The discharge outcome to be written in the plan of care.
What is "free from injury throughout hospitalization"?
Purposeful hourly rounding include these interventions.
What is the patient's current level of pain, need for toileting, need to position patient for comfort, check that necessary items (call light, telephone, bedside table, fresh water, kleenex) are within reach, tell the patient that you or a member of the staff will be back in one (1) hour and before you leave, ask "Is there anything else I can do for you (I have time)? Do you have any questions"?
The Safety Alert Program
What is the name of the Fall Prevention Program?
The five criteria assessed by the Schmid fall risk assessment tool.
What are mobility, mentation, elimination, prior history of a fall and current medications?
The location of the Schmid fall risk assessment.
Where is the Care Map?
Where to document when a fall occurs, or Safety Alert is initiated or discontinued.
What is the Nursing Progress Note?
Where documented actual unit fall data is posted for discussion.
What is the unit's Performance Improvement bulletin board?