God created the world in how many days?
6 days
Name of the first man created?
What was the promise God made Abraham?
He would have many descendants as numerous as the stars
How did Moses escape being killed as a baby?
His mom put him in a basket and sent him down the river
Name of Jesus' mother?
What happened on Day 7 of the creation story?
God rested
How did God create Adam?
Out of the dust
Who was Abraham's son?
What nation did Moses grow up in?
What was special about Mary being Jesus' mother?
What did God use or what did he do to create the world?
He used his voice and spoke it into existence
How did God create Eve?
Out of Adam's rib
Why was Abraham's son a miracle child?
Abraham and Sarah were old and didn't have any kids yet
What was the mission God gave to Moses?
Name of the city Jesus was born in?
What was created on day 6?
Land animals and people
Why did Eve eat the forbidden fruit?
How did God test Abraham?
He told him to sacrifice his son Isaac
What made Pharaoh finally let God's people go?
God sent plagues to Egypt
What was Jesus laid in after he was born?
A manger
What was created on day 4?
Sun, moon, and the stars
Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil
Who were the twin sons of Isaac?
Jacob and Essau
How did Moses and the Israelites escape from the Egyptian army chasing them?
God parted the Red Sea for them to walk through
What was a name that they said Jesus would be known by?