Which Texas City can be found at letter C
What were the 3 reasons for exploration?
Gold, God, Glory (Economic, Social, Political)
What did Stephen F. Austin and Green DeWitt have in common?
Both were successful Empersarios
Who led the Texans to victory in the Battle of San Jacinto in 1836?
Sam Houston
This event took place during the Revolutionary war and starred William B. Travis, Jim Bowie, and Davy Crockett.
Siege of the Alamo
Which River serves a the border between Texas and Mexico?
4- The Rio Grande River
Who Convinced the Viceroy of New Spain to colonize east Texas
Fray Damian Massanet
Who issued the Call for freedom from Spain?
Father Hidalgo
Why was Stephen F. Austin arrested after his visit to Mexico city?
He wrote a letter to Texans.
What was the First Battle of the Texas Revolution
The Battle of Gonzalez
Which river acts as the border between the Mountain and Basins region and the Great plains region?
The Pecos River.
What significant event occurred in 1718?
The founding of San Antonio.
What were the requirements that Texans had to meet in order to live in Mexican territory?
Become Mexican Citizens, be Catholic, and be of good moral character.
What did Santa Anna do in 1834 that angered American Settlers in Texas?
He declared himself Dictator.
How long did the Battle of San Jacinto last?
18 Minutes
How does the physical environment of Costal Texas contrast with that of the Mountain and Basin Region?
Costal has more rivers
Which Spanish Catholic priest cooperated with the french to bring missions to East Texas?
Francisco Hidalgo
This man is the First governor of Mexican Texas
Jose Gutierrez de Lara
who did the Mexican Government send to investigate the conditions in northern Texas?
Gen. Manuel Mier y Teran
What are common characteristics of the Age of Contact?
Spanish Explorers and French Explorers both claim land in Texas.
Which region of Texas has the most rainfall per year?
Coastal Plains Region.
When did Pineda map the coast of Texas
What is Father Miguel Hidalgo's Full name
Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla
What did the Law of April 6th do?
Outlawed Immigration from the U.S. to Texas and canceled all Empresario Land Grants that had not been fulfilled?
what is a characteristic of the Spanish Colonial Era?
Missions were built to Confirm Spanish claims to the land in Texas.