True or False
Effective Fall Forwards

Fall forwards are only used for professional development

False! They are to understand employee growth & engagement, Personally AND professionally to support your employee experience!


For one-on-one support, you can access this type of session

Office hours with Sonia or Chandra! 


When should my conversation be scheduled by? 

November 22nd! 


My leader will create action items & follow up

False! You should be doing this together. Identify your outcomes, set goals, & create an action plan TOGETHER


This tool provides ideas to help you tailor your agenda for Fall Forward Conversations

Question bank! You have one in your packet & its available on the ELT resource hub


Can I just share my agenda 5 minutes before my Fall forward conversation? 

Not unless your leader agrees to this! Share your agenda at least 24 hours in advance


True or False: Today is the last in person training session.

True! But don't worry, we are here for you! Book office hours with Sonia or Chandra.


This can help you identify the leadership style you need based on your development level

Diagnosis & Matching guide! You have one in your packet & its available on the ELT resource hub


Should I just wing my talking points?

No! You should reflect and prepare an agenda to have meaningful talking points for an effective conversation with your leader. 


I shared my agenda with my leader, so they will lead this conversation

False! This is an employee led conversation using talking points from your agenda


If you have a question that doesn't require booking office hours, Who can you notify? 

Email FLOURISH! We are happy to help with what ever you may need 


I had my conversation and want to make sure my manager and I follow through my desired outcomes. What's next? 

Partner with your leader to take action post conversation. Together you should follow up and create an action plan that will support your goals.  


I am empowered to have this conversation outside of my workspace

True! Feel free to suggest a location that isnt an office or conference room. Many like to grab coffee at a local spot or get those steps in and walk around the block


I attended a training and reviewed the resource hub, but I still need support. What can I do? 

Book office hours with Sonia or Chandra for one on one help!


I'm excited about my agenda—can I jump straight into my talking points, since they cover my intention and desired outcomes?

Absolutely! Everyones approach will be different, some opt for an intro statement while others get right to it.