How many days does February usually have
28 days
What day is on February 14th
Valentines day
Take a...
What is emotional regulation?
The ability to have control over one's emotional state.
What is this group called?
Emotional Regulation
What does a leap year mean?
An extra day is added to the calendar and February has 29 days
Which annual celebration, also known as Fat Tuesday, is celebrated worldwide in February?
Mardi Gras
Emotional awareness and Mindfulness
What is mindfulness?
The act of living in the present moment
What did we review in group last week?
Cognitive Distortions
What is the purpose of Groundhog day?
To see if winter will last 6 more weeks or not
What season are we in?
How can you practice self compassion
speak to and sympathize with self
Example of what you can recognize if you are emotionally intelligent
When emotions arise, where emotions sit physically, shape of emotion, physiological symptoms
What is a cognitive distortion & give an example
Negative thoughts that can impact our emotions
What is the first zodiac sign in February?
What is the birth flower of February?
A) Tulip
B) Rose
C) Violet
and accept emotions
What is cognitive reprisal?
analyzing and taking stock of thoughts in troubling situations
What does CBT stand for
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
How many horses are pulling the sleigh in the song "Jingle Bells?"
How many roses are grown in preparation each year for Valentines Day?
A) 50 million
B) 150 million
C) 250 million
practice cognitive
What are cognitive distortions?
negative thinking patterns
How can emotional regulation help you in your recovery?
free response