Fall Foods
Fall Flavors
Fall Activities
Fall Sports
Fall Holidays

A spiced custard dessert in a crust that comes from an orange squash.

What is pumpkin pie?


A fruit harvested in the fall: common varieties are Pink Lady, Golden Delicious, and Gala.

What are apples?


A place where you can go an item to carve or utilize in holiday dishes. They come in all shapes and sizes and cover large fields.

What is a pumpkin patch?


A game that requires 2 teams with 11 players; goal is to get the most points by crossing into the opposing team's end zone.

What is football?


A holiday celebrated at the end of October where people dress up in costumes.

What is Halloween?


A sweet drink that is made from fresh fruit that is often picked at an orchard. 

What is apple cider?


A type of spice typically used to make things warm-tasting and is often used as a topping for fall beverages, desserts, and oatmeal.

What is cinnamon?


Fall is the best time to do this . . . build a fire and sleep under the stars. 

What is camping? 


This is an event that marks the end of the season for major league teams that’s play games that require innings. 

What is The World Series?


A holiday celebrated at the end of November in which friends and families express their gratitude . . . and eat a meal together. 

What is Thanksgiving?

So many varieties! Nothing warms you up like a bowl of this. 

What is soup? 


A sticky version of sugar that can be used on top of ice cream, fruits, inside candy bars, or eaten by itself.

What is caramel?


An activity in which you go and take these fruits right off of the trees they were grown on. 

What is apple picking at an orchard? 


Every 4 years, many countries have national teams that play against each other to become the best team in the world for this sport.

What is futbol/soccer?


A holiday celebrated the first Monday of September that recognizes the workers that support America’s economy.

What is Labor Day?


A treat dipped in a toffee like substance that made from cooked sugar. It is often served on a stick.

What are caramel apples?


A flowering plant whose rhizome (root) is widely used as a spice and a folk medicine.

What is ginger?


An activity done when you rake up them up and then undo all your hard work. 

What is jumping in the leaves?


This is a game played with an orange ball and is often referred to as “hoops”. 

 What is basketball?


A holiday celebrated in November that recognizes those that have served in the U.S Armed Forces.

What is Veteran's Day?


This fruit may be overlooked, but it is a delicious, sweet, and versatile and at its peak sweetness during the fall months.

What is a pear? 


A type of sweetener made from the sap of this kind of tree. 

What is maple syrup?


An activity that you pay for the right to scream in fear. 

What is visit a haunted house?

This is often an activity which requires running long distances. 

What is cross country?


Saturday, September 23rd - the day that we had equal day and equal night. This day signifies the beginning of Fall/Autumn.

What is the Autumn Equinox? 


A pumpkin is considered part of this category and is actually a fruit.

What is a squash?


Even just looking at tart round berries makes me think of the perfect autumn day!

What are cranberries?

A perfect time of year to see the foliage due to these things: shorter days, less sunlight, lower temperatures - slow down of photosynthesis. 

What is leaves changing color? 


This sport has the longest season . . . spring through fall. 

What is baseball? 


A two day holiday - Nov 1-2, 2023 - that reunites the living and dead. Families create offerings to honor their departed family.

What is the Day of the Dead?