Explaining idioms
Verbal Expression
Multiple Meanings
Inferences in Stories

He got an A+ without studying because the test was as easy as pie.

-very easy/simple to do


Correct this sentence:

Pumpkin has thick shell call a rind.

Pumpkins have a thick shell called a rind.

A pumpkin has a thick shell called a rind.


Fall began on September 23, 2023. 

What is a synonym for Fall?

What is Autumn?


Give at least 2 meanings for this word:


-silk structure made by a spider



The police officer was apprehensive about entering the abandoned apartment building. She wasn’t sure if the electricity was working and it was dark outside. She knew there were at least two gunmen inside. She decided to wait to go inside until backup officers arrived.

1.Why does the police officer wonder if the electricity is on?  What time of day was it?

1.The building was dark.


After the team lost its first 4 games, several players wanted to abandon ship to join a different team.

-to quit


Correct this sentence:

He wears a hoodie to keep warm yesterdays.

He wore a hoodie to keep warm yesterday.


Columbus set sail to cross the Atlantic in three ships: the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria.

What is a synonym for ships?

What are boats, vessels


Give at least 2 meanings for this word:


- to go, depart

- part of a plant

-table inserts


She went to the supermarket on the way home from work. It took her several minutes to find an empty parking space. Once inside, she walked through the aisles trying to decide what to have for dinner. She knew her husband would like to cook fi sh, but her children would rather eat tacos. She decided to get chicken instead, which is her favorite.

1.  About what time do you think it is? Why do you think the supermarket is so crowded this time of day? 


1. 5 or 6 o'clock

2. People are stopping on their way home from work


You have to eat the fruit with your lunch, after all an apple a day keeps the doctor away.

-eating well keeps you healthy


Correct this sentence:

Christopher Columbus' trip across the oceans taked about 2 month.

Christopher Columbus' trip across the ocean took about 2 months.


These crops are harvested from August through October, just in time to be served to hungry customers at fall festivals.

What is a synonym for harvested?

What is picked or reaped?


Give at least 2 meanings for this word:




-activate a switch


Nine students from the Hiking Club decided to take a hike through the state park. When they started out, the sun was directly overhead. After hiking several hours, they were tired, hungry, and hot. They began to argue about what they should do next. Half of the group decided to head for home. The remaining students continued to hike directly toward the setting sun.

At what time did the group start hiking? 

In what direction did the ones who turned back hike?

- It was about noon. The sun was directly overhead.

- They were hiking East. It mentioned that those who continued on were hiking toward the setting sun, which is west. Those who turned back would be going east.


Our farm is only 5 miles from town as the crow flies, but because the roads are so windy, we have to drive over 8 miles to get there.

-measured in a straight line


Correct this sentence:

Pumpkin grows on every continent excepts Antarctica.

Pumpkins grow on every continent except Antarctica.


The landscaper trimmed the shrubs one last time before the winter.

What is a synonym for shrubs?

What are bushes?


Give at least 2 meanings for this word:






In the middle of the week, a woman took her car to the car dealer to get a tune-up and have her air conditioning repaired. She had to wait several minutes before someone waited on her. When the mechanic finally appeared, he apologized for the wait. He explained that many of the workers were on their lunch break. She told the mechanic what she wanted done and gave him the keys. The mechanic said her car would be ready the next morning.

What day of the week would you guess it is?

What time of year is it? 

-It is probably Wednesday because it says it is mid week.

-It is summer. It says she needs her A/C fixed.


My Dad and I both love fishing, playing video games and fixing cars, they say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree!

-children are like their parents


Correct this sentence:

Spiders shoot thems venom into insects then ates them.

Spiders shoot their venom into insects then eat them.


Contrary to popular belief, spider venom cannot kill the average human.

What is a synonym for venom?

What is poison?


Give at least 2 meanings for this word:


-lengthy in time or distance

-desire/strong wish


A family entered the animal shelter to choose a puppy. They stood for a long time trying to decide if they wanted the golden retriever or the beagle. The mother asked to see the two puppies. Her child played with each puppy for a few minutes. They decided to buy the beagle because she was the only female and seemed friendlier. They also thought the smaller dog would be better for where they live.

At least how many people are in this family? 

Where do you think the family lives?

- There are at least 2 people in this family because they mention a mother and a child.

-They live in a very small house or an apartment because they say a small dog would be better for where they live.