Fall Risk Factors
Fall Prevention
Fall Facts
Fall Interventions
Post Fall

If you take multiple of these it can increase your risk of having falls ?

What is Medication 


It's a great way to stay fit as we age, keeping our musces and bones strong to prevent falls ?

What is excercise 


These are a major safety concern for nursing homes?

What are falls 


Patients transfer status and fall risk interventions for the CNA to reference are found here ?

What is the Careplan Kardex 


This Genesis created checklist can assist the Nurse in ensuring all aspects of post fall management have been done ?

What is the Post Fall Checklist 


Environmental hazards and unsafe equipment are examples of what type of risk factors 

What are Extrinsic 


Referring a patient to this type of Therapist can help a patient improve their strength, balance, gait and reduce risk of falling 

What is Physical Therapist 


These are the #1 cause of Emergency Medical Services ( EMS) responses for older adults in the U.S ?

What are falls 


Use of low bed, floor mat and scoop mattress to reduce fall risk injury instead of this device reduces risk of serious fall related injuries ?

What are bedrails 


The post fall meeting that occurs which includes review of the details and circumstances of the fall to help determine root cause? 

What is a Fall Huddle 


Gait Imbalance, impairment or inappropriate medication use are examples of what type of risk factors ?

What is Modifiable 


Requesting a comprehensive medication review for your patient from this person can reduce fall risk related to polypharmacy ?

What is the Provider or Pharmacist Consultant 


This many Americans fall each year ?

What is 1 in 4


Having a referral to this therapist for a patient with unsafe behavior while in a wheelchair, can facilitate them making individualized seating modifications to reduce falls with injury ?

What is Occupational Therapist 


Assessment that is initiated for unwitnessed falls or falls with head injuries ? 

What are Neurological assessments 


Chronic disease, medication side effects and balance issues are examples of what type of risk factors ?

What is Intrinsic risk factors 


Developing a culture of this empowers staff to report and address safety concerns ?

What is a Culture of Safety 


These type of medications increase a residents risk of falling?

What are Anticolinergics and Benzodiazepines


Implementing this type of program can reduce unsafe transfer or ambulation due to incontinence, urinary frequency or urgency? 

What is a toileting program 


The Genesis created tool that assists the center to determine fall root cause analysis ?

What is the Root Cause Analysis tool


People over this age are at risk for having injury or death from a fall?

What is 65


A fall that occurs when a patient stands from a sitting or lying position should trigger this type of an assessment by the nurse ?

Orthostatic Blood pressure assessment


Faintness, lightheadedness and dizziness when standing after sitting or lying down are symptoms of this? 

What is Orthostatic Hypotension 


Appropriate assessment and treatment of this leads to reduction of fall risk and unsafe behaviors related to discomfort ?  

What is pain 


This Algorithym/Guide can assist the center staff during the fall hudle to determine root cause and develop fall risk intervention and make neccessary care plan updates 

What is the Intervention Algorithm Guide