Cause & Effect
Power & Authority
Global Connections

Social and Political System of Medieval Europe

What is feudalism? 


Time Period/Historical Periodization of this Map

When was Medieval Europe? 


Invasion by Barbarians, mercenaries, inflation, and corrupt leaders.

What were causes of the Fall of the Roman Empire? 


Constantine's agreement to end persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire. 

What is the Edict of Milan? 


Literature: Qur'an considered the most important piece of Arabic literature.

Art: Beautiful calligraphy and patterns to decorate buildings and art.

Learning: Translated writing of Greek philosophers & observed the earth and measured its circumference

Medicine: wrote medical books and studied diseases.

What is the Golden Age of Islam?


a division into two groups caused by a disagreement about ideas, especially in a religious organization

What is a schism? 


Two alternate names for the city of Istanbul. 

What is Byzantium and Constantinople?


Identify event & cause/effect

• Pope Urban II believed it would increase his power in Europe

• Hope to reunite Eastern and Western Christian churches

• Nobles hoped to gain land & wealth

• Serfs hope to escape feudalism

• Christians hoped sins would be forgiven

• Selijuk Turks invaded the Byzantine Empire

What is causes of the Crusades?


Collection of laws that became the basis for the Roman Catholic Church and medieval rulers.

What is the Justinian Code of Law?


Two reasons the Mongols were able to conquer such a vast empire.

What is religious tolerance, Genghis Khan, stirrups, and steeps, and skilled horsemen, military tactic (blitzkrieg)?


the rule or reign of a caliph or chief Muslim ruler

What is caliphate?


Empire highlighted in red.

What is the Byzantine Empire?


Empire & cause/effects

• Isolation of Russia

• Prosperity of Silk Road Trade

• Marco Polo wrote about beauty and riches in Kublai Khan's court

What are effects of Mongol empire rule?


the action of officially excluding someone from participation in the sacraments and services of the Christian Church

What is excommunication?

The trade route shown:

What is the Indian Ocean Complex?


An epidemic that spreads around the world

What is an pandemic?


Origin of Bubonic Plague

What is China?


Events & cause/effect

• 1/3 of European population died

• Peasants could demand pay for work

•  decline of feudalism

•  Christians questions their faith

What are effects of the Black Plague?


Responsible for bringing Islam to West Africa, creating the learning center at Timbuktu, and putting West Africa on the map.

Who was Mansa Musa?


The areas (2) Zheng He traveled and made contact with during 1405 and 1422. 

What is South East Asia, India, Middle East, and East Africa?


The Catholic Church's investigation to root out heresy by force. 

What is the Inquisition?


Reasons (2) why the Renaissance began in Italy

What is location on the Mediterranean Sea, waterways, center of trade, and location in relation to the Ottoman Empire?


Event & Cause/Effect

• growth of cities

• rise of a Middle Class

• formation of guilds

• capitalism replaces bartering (trade w/o $)

• banks & joint-stock companies

What are the effects of the Commercial Revolution?


This writer wrote "The Prince" advising rulers on how to gain and maintain power. 

"It is better to be feared than loved, if you cannot be both."

Who is Niccolo Machiavelli?


Nation served as a cultural bridge of Asian cultures to Japan.

What is Korea?