The two different parts the Roman empire was split into
What is East and West?
Where Constantine moved the capital city
What is Constantinople?
The major construction project during Justinian's reign
What is the Hagia Sophia?
The rise of this religion contributed to the weakening of the Byzantine Empire
What is Islam?
The type of art heavily related to Byzantine
What are mosaics?
What was the name of the emperor who split the empire into two parts?
Who is Diocletian?
Constantinople today is called
Istanbul, Turkey
The name of the collection of texts simplifying Roman law
What is The body of civil law or Justinian's code?
The group who posed the greatest challenge to the empire around 1071
Who are the Seljuk Turks?
The effect of Christianity on the fall of Rome
Christianity weakened traditional Roman values
The date marking the final fall of the Western empire by Germanic tribes
granted religious tolerance to Christians and was issued by this emperor
Edict of Milan
Reasons for Theodora's impact
She implemented reforms and policies that directly benefitted women, and advocated for Christians
These people gradually surrounded Constantinople and sieged the empire
Who are the Ottomans?
The Macedonian emperors fostered a burst of economic prosperity through.....
What are trade relations?
Forced workers to remain in their vocations
The Eastern empire was later known as
What is the Byzantine Empire?
Justinian and other emperors were portrayed as
What is Chosen by God?
This year marks the fall of Constantinople, leading to the end of the Byzantine Empire.
What is 1453?
One of the Germanic tribes that sacked Rome before its final fall
Who are the Vandals or Visigoths?
A public arena in Constantinople mainly for entertainment and chariot races
What is a Hippodrome?
This event was a major riot in Constantinople that challenged Justinian's authority and where Theodora influence Justinian to stay and fight
What is Nika Riots?
Besides military strain and continual warfare, there were at least two other factors that contributed to the decline of the Byzantine empire. Name one
What is religious division or population decline?