Home Hazards
Medications & Health
Footwear & Mobility
Environmental Awareness
Prevention Strategies

This item on the floor, often found near the bed or couch, can cause tripping.

What is a throw rug?


This type of medication used to help with sleep can make you drowsy and increase fall risk.

What are sleeping pills (or sedatives)?


Wearing shoes with this can increase your chance of slipping and falling.

What are smooth soles (or no grip shoes)?


These areas in public spaces are important to hold onto while walking.

What are handrails?


Doing this kind of exercise can help improve balance and prevent falls.

!!!!!!DAILY DOUBLE!!!!!

What is tai chi (or balance exercises)?


Installing these on the walls of your bathroom can help prevent falls while getting in and out of the shower.

What are grab bars?


Low blood pressure, which can cause dizziness, is also known by this medical term.

What is hypotension?


These should always be worn in the home, even if just walking around.

What are non-slip shoes or slippers?


In unfamiliar places, it’s important to do this before walking to prevent tripping over hazards.

What is scan the environment?


These should be installed near your bed and in hallways to make nighttime trips to the bathroom safer.

What are nightlights?


This lighting problem at night increases the chance of a fall.

What is poor lighting?


People with this health condition may have numb feet, making it harder to feel the ground and increasing their fall risk.

What is diabetes?


This common assistive device can help improve stability when walking.

What is a cane (or walker)?


This part of a home is often uneven and can be a fall risk, especially if not well-lit.

What are stairs?


This device can alert someone if you fall and are unable to get up.

What is a medical alert system (or emergency fall detector)?


These items on stairs or walkways outside your house can cause you to slip.

What are leaves, ice, or wet surfaces?


This type of medication that helps lower blood pressure can sometimes cause dizziness, especially when standing up.

What are anti-hypertensives?


Poorly fitting shoes can cause this type of foot injury, increasing the risk of falls.

What are blisters (or foot sores)?


When walking outdoors, you should always watch for these cracks or changes in height that can cause a fall.

What are uneven sidewalks (or pavement)?


This common piece of equipment in the bathroom can help reduce the risk of slipping while showering.

What is a non-slip bath mat?


This small piece of furniture, often near beds or chairs, can be a tripping hazard if not stored properly.

What is a footstool or ottoman?


Poor balance caused by an inner ear problem is known as this.

What is vertigo?


These modifications to your shoes can help improve traction, especially in icy conditions.

What are non-slip shoe covers (or traction cleats)?


When getting out of bed or a chair, doing this too quickly can cause dizziness and increase the risk of a fall.

What is standing up too fast?


Removing clutter from walkways and keeping frequently used items within reach are examples of doing this.

What is organizing your home for safety (or decluttering)?