Name Columbus' three ships
Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria
This song was originally a poem about going to Grandfather's house.
What is Over the River and Through the Woods?
The byproduct of a crashed alien meteor, the jelly-like substance attaches itself to people and basically swallows them whole, all while slithering around town.
The blob
A week day that is considered bad luck, if it falls on the 13th day of the month.
What is Friday?
These change color in Fall.
What are leaves?
A gathering of family to share a meal
Thanksgiving Dinner
In the Celtic tradition they believed that ghosts roamed the earth on Halloween. What was one thing they thought protected them from the Ghosts and Why?
What is a Halloween costumes, it was used as a disguise?
The U.S celebrates this holiday to recognize the American worker.
What is Labor Day?
Nat King Cole sings this song about Fall.
What is Autumn Leaves?
William Henry Pratt, better known by his stage name ________ __________, was an English actor who was primarily known for his roles in horror films. He portrayed Frankenstein's monster in Frankenstein, Bride of Frankenstein and Son of Frankenstein. He also appeared as Imhotep in The Mummy.
Boris Karloff
This happens if you step on a crack.......
What is break your mother's back?
When day equal night in the Fall it's called this.
What is the Autumnal Equinox?
What color is associated with Fall on the Chippewa medicine wheel?
What is Black
By an act of congress it falls on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November.
What is Election day
This was originally written to be sung at Thanksgiving but later became a Christmas song.
What is Jingle Bells?
Vincent Price starred in this 1953 color 3D horror thriller film, House of ______
What is Wax?
When playing cards what is the luckiest seat?
What is the one that faces the door
Which iconic symbol of the cold war came down November 10th, 1989?
What is the Berlin Wall
What Year was the First Thanksgiving?
What is 1621.
The beginning and end date in the Northern Hemisphere of Autumn 2020?
When is Tuesday September 22nd thru Monday December 21st?
She sang The Hills Are Alive and has an October birthday.
Who is Julie Andrews?
"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" is a famous line from what 1980"s horror movie?
What is the Shining?
What animal in Cherokee superstitions represents being the bearer of bad news or brings bad luck?
What is the owl?
What is the most popular Birth Day of the year according to Readers Digest
What is September 9th?
In Mexican culture a fall tradition that is celebrated as a time to remember deceased relatives is called what? And is on what dates?
Day of the Dead, November 1-2
What does the Jewish holiday Rosh Hashanah signify?
What is the Jewish New Year.
Name the rock groups Guns and Roses' Fall song?
What is November Rain.
Name both movie monsters Lon Chaney made famous. That later became Broadway musicals.
What is Phantom of the Opera, Hunchback of Norte Dame
This protects a bride from the evil eye.
What is a veil?
The official end of Autumn is marked by this event.
What is Winter Soltice?
What are the four federal holidays that occur ion the Fall season.
What are;
Columbus Day
Election Day
Veterans Day