Describes the emotion, attitude, or mood of a scene
Dehumanize: definition & sentence that shows its meaning
Depriving someone of human qualities, making them seem less than human.
Who is Norman Bowker and what happens to him?
A fellow soldier of Tim’s who returns home and, after not receiving any emotional support, kills himself.
What are the three major themes we discussed as possible causes of R&J's deaths?
Adult irresponsibility, teenage impulsivity, and fate
Strategic word choice
Tangible: definition & sentence that shows its meaning
Something that can be touched or physically sensed.
What shape is the hole in the dead man’s eye that O’Brien keeps obsessing over?
Which two characters die, and who kills each of them, in the significant fight in act 3, scene 1?
Mercutio, killed by Tybalt
Tybalt, killed by Romeo
When Juliet has taken a sleeping potion, but Romeo doesn’t know of the plan and thinks she’s dead…
that is an example of what literary device?
Dramatic irony
Showing great attention to detail; very careful and precise.
What happens between Lee Strunk and Dave Jensen in “Friends” and “Enemies”?
One guy breaks the other’s nose, then his own as a way of making up. Later, they make a suicide pact, and Strunk dies, relieving Jensen of the burden of fulfilling it.
What is the name of the girl Romeo initially has a crush on?
A sharp contrast between two things, such as light/dark, good/evil, or fire/ice
A source of great pain and suffering; an extreme punishment.
What happens to Rat Kiley at the end of the novel?
He has a mental breakdown, then shoots himself in the foot to get out of the war.
What is a charnel-house?
A storage place for bones that are accidentally dug up in the course of digging new graves
Define foil
A character that has opposite traits of the protagonist, highlighting their differences
A collection of wild animals, or a diverse collection of things.
When Tim is trying to escape the draft, where does he go AND what is the name of the person he interacts with?
The Tip-Top House (in Canada), and Elroy Berdahl.
The sleeping potion is meant to make Juliet sleep for how many hours?