Summary & Point of View
Theme & Characterization
From the conversation between Amy and Jessica in paragraph 24-27, the reader can tell that Amy — F is jealous of Jessica G is using their friendship to manipulate Jessica H regrets stealing the lipsticks J is unhappy with Jessica’s behavior
What is G is using their friendship to manipulate Jessica
What are the 5 elements of a plot?
What is Exposition, Rising action, Climax, Falling Action, Denouement/Resolution.
When answering a summary question, what things should be included in the T-Chart you make next to the question? A. Begging, Middle, End, Details B. Beginning, Middle, End, Font C. Beginning, Middle, End, Fake Facts D. Beginning, Middle, End, True Information.
What is C. Beginning, Middle, End, Fake Facts (facts that are not found in the story)
What is a theme?
What is Lesson learned
This tells you the first and last words defined on each page of a dictionary
What is Guide words
How do you infer?
What is Use clues from the text plus information that you already know in your head
Lines 17 and 18 contribute to the rising action of the story by showing that Jessica — A. Is prepared to steal the lipsticks B. Is okay with just window shopping C. Is concerned with what Amy thinks
What is B. Is okay with just window shopping
The best strategy that you can use to summarize Fiction texts is A. Somebody Wanted But So B. 5 W's and 1 H C. RACE D. SOAPStone
What is A. Somebody Wanted But So
What quality does Jessica display when she goes back to pay for the lipsticks? A. Uncertainty B. Ignorance C Honesty D. Anger
What is C Honesty
When answering a vocabulary question. The first place you should look in the dictionary to find a word that means the same as the word in question is ______
What is The Synonym Box
6. In paragraph 6, what does Amy mean when she calls her fight with Jessica "ancient history"? a. It happened thousands of years ago b. It happened in history class c. Amy has totally forgotten about the fight d. They were arguing about events in ancient history
What is 6. Answer: C C is the best choice because the phrase "ancient history" is used to communicate that Amy has totally forgotten about the fight. A, B, and D are not the best choices because the play does not indicate that the fight was related to history or history class, and it clearly did not occur thousands of years ago.
8. Which scene contains the denouement of this play? a. Scene 1 b. Scene 2 c. Scene 3 d. All of the above
What is 8. Answer: C C is the best choice because Scene 3 contains the denouement of the play, when Jessica returns to the store to do the right thing. A, B, and D are not the best choices because they do not reflect the scene that contains the denouement
What point of view is this story written in?
What is 3rd Person,
When Jessica came back to pay, the Sales Clerk was F. Gracious G impressed H concerned J Satisfied
What is G impressed
What does the word "impartially" mean in line 5? A. Detached B. Quietly C. Excited
What is A. Detached
Using "The Right Thing to Do" What can the reader conclude about Jessica's experience as Amy's friend? A Jessica and Amy have opposite personalities.Jessica is cautious, while Amy is daring. B Both girls really want to be friends with each other. C Both mentors fail to learn from their assignments. D Jessica and Amy have opposite personalities. Jessica is shy while Amy is timid.
What is... A Jessica and Amy have opposite personalities.Jessica is cautious, while Amy is daring
What is the internal conflict that Jessica deals with? A. Should be friends with Amy or not B. Should she go through with stealing the lipsticks
What is B. Should she go through with stealing the lipsticks
The authors choice of 3rd person point of view helps the reader (free response)
What is It helps the reader understand how everyone in the story feels & thinks.
DAILY DOUBLE: What words are synonyms for Character Trait? A. Personality, Mood B. Quality, Traitor C. Personality, Quality
What is C. Personality, Quality
Using your dictionary & context clues What does the word "anxiously" mean in line 22
What is nervous
Using "The Right Thing to Do" Read the following line from the selection. SALES CLERK: That's impressive. I've never seen that happen before. And kids take stuff from this store all the time. What made you come back? From this line, the reader can conclude that — (free response)
What is Answers will vary
7. Which scene contains the climax of this play? a. Scene 1 b. Scene 2 c. Scene 3 d. All of the above
What is 7. Answer: B B is the best choice because Scene 2 contains the climax of the play, when Jessica must decide whether to go along with Amy or not. A, C, and D are not the best choices because they do not reflect the scene that contains the climax of the play
Using "The Right Thing to Do" 10. Which of the following is the best summary of this play? a. Jessica leaves her other friends to be friends with Amy again, and she and Amy go to the mall b. Amy teaches Jessica how to steal lipstick without getting caught, being a bad influence on Jessica c. Jessica agrees to go to the mall with Amy, but when Amy steals lipstick, Jessica goes back to pay for it d. Jessica thinks stealing is wrong, and she thinks Amy is a bad influence because she is a thief
What is 10.Answer: C C is the best choice because it is the most accurate and complete summary of the play. A, B, and D are not the best choices because they do not offer complete and accurate summaries of the play
9. What is the underlying theme of this play? a. Amy and Jessica are best friends b. Doing the right thing is always a good decision c. It is okay to steal if you are not caught d. Shopping for cosmetics increases peer pressure
What is 9. Answer: B
Using your dictionary What does the word "hesitantly" mean in paragraph 8 A. Hurriedly B. Dramatic C. Uncertain
What is C. Uncertain