Figurative Language/Tone
Understanding TPCASTT or TAPIT
Poetic Elements
How do you infer?
What is Use clues from the text plus information that you already know in your head
What device does lines 6-7 contain? A. Simile B. Metaphor C. Hyperbole D. Alliteration
What is 2. Metaphor
How do you paraphrase a poem?
What is Put the poem in your own words. You should paraphrase to the complete thought (a sentence).
How many stanzas are in this poem? A. 4 B. 8 C. 6 D. 7
What is 7
DAILY DOUBLE Using your dictionary What does the word gnarled mean in line 19 A. Growl B. Twisted C. Dry D. Elegant
What is B Twisted
35. What does the poet suggest about the tree in lines 24 through 30? A It is nearing the end of its life. B It was in danger one year during a particularly rainy season. C It has many descriptions of events carved into its wood. D It has witnessed many events through the years.
What is D It has witnessed many events through the years.
Why does the author include the metaphor in line 13 "And she changes her clothes each season" *Respond in a complete sentence
What is The author included line 13 to describe how the tree changes over time. The color of the leaves. etc.
How do you find the attitude in a poem?
What is First, figure out the SUBJECT of the poem. Then, look at the authors word choice to determine the TONE of the author towards the subject of the poem.
What does structure refer to in a poem? "poetic structure" A. text means exactly what it says B. evokes readers imagination C. how a poem is organized D. how figurative language is used in a poem
What is C. how a poem is organized
The box that is the most helpful in helping you find a word that means the same as another word is
What is The Synonym Box
In line 5, Why is it called a "child"
What is The tree was small and beginning to grow like a child.
Use The Storyteller 37. Which word best describes the speaker’s attitude toward the tree? A Appreciative B Cheerful C Sorrowful D Envious
What is A Appreciative
How do you identify imagery in a poem?
What is Look for descriptive words/ adjectives
The speaker is the __________ in a poem A. Author B. Main Character C. Voice D. Sound
What is C. Voice
Use the Stoyteller 38. In line 16, the word hues means — F injuries G plants H expressions J colors
What is J colors
Which line from the poem shows the reader that the speaker is an awe of the tree? A. Line 3 B. Line 30 C. Line 19 D. Line 22
What is... Line 30- What Stories she must tell
Use The Storyteller 40. Read lines 5 through 10 from the poem. She was here as a seedling, A mere child to the rest, Young and naïve among her dark, old elders. But now she is a guardian, Tall and welcoming, Gathering and shielding the children in her arms. The poet uses personification in these lines most likely to show that the tree — F protects the other trees G provides a warning about approaching danger H has become stronger as it has matured J prevents smaller plants from having room to grow
What is H has become stronger as it has matured
Understanding the Figurative meaning is important in poetry because...
What is It helps you understand the deeper meaning of the poem.
Stanza 4 is important to the poem because it A. Describes how the tree looks each season B. Compares the tree to a guardian C. Compares the speaker’s commitment to the tree
What is A. Describes how the tree looks each season
Using your dictionary & context clues What does the word intricate mean in line 12? A. Beautiful B Complex C. Confusing D. Simple
What is B Complex
Using The Storyteller 39 Why are the first and third lines of the poem echoed in the last stanza? A To show how large the tree has grown B To highlight that the age of the tree makes it special C To remind the reader of the importance of the environment D To explain what the speaker enjoys most about the tree’s appearance
What is B To highlight that the age of the tree makes it special
Use Storyteller 36. Which lines from the poem suggest that the tree deserves respect? F And she changes her clothes each season: A dress of pink blossoms in the spring, G She has scarred wood, With intricate designs carved into her face. H Her face looks out to the world, A grandmother to us all. J Smelled the dew on summer dawns, And felt the moist soil at her feet.
What is H Her face looks out to the world, A grandmother to us all.
How do you determine the central message or theme in a poem?
What is Ask yourself "Is there a lesson that can be applied in real life from this poem?"
The poet uses lines 27-30 to show that the speaker feels — A. defeated by tree B. Respect for the giant tree C. Burdened by the things the tree has seen over the years D. Confused by the stories the tells
What is B. Respect for the giant tree
This tells you the first and last words defined on each page of a dictionary
What is Guide Words