Unit 1A
Unit 1B
Unit 2A
Unit 2B
1 John W1
The barnyard creature that represents Christ throughout the Bible.
What is a lamb?
The religious group that kept only the first 5 books of the Old Testament not the History, Poetry or Prophecy sections.
What are the Samaritans. (Textbook pg 47-52)
The definition of the major worldview called Pantheism.
What is the belief that god is the universe and the universe is god. They believe in a god that is in all things and is all things. (textbook pg 86-88)
The Four Sabbath Observance Principles discussed in class.
What are Rest, Blessing, ...., .... (see worksheet).
the process of interpretation of an existing text in such a way as to introduce one's own ideas.
What is Eisegesis? (Week 1 pg 2)
One Bible verse that talks about Jesus as the lamb of God.
What is Gen 3:21, Gen 4:1-5, Gen 22:6-14, Exodus 12:21-23, Isaiah 53:4-12, John 1:29, Revelation 5:5-10. (list on Textbook page 21).
The three key points that are part of the Christian view of canon.
What are 1. God's inspiring and guiding in the creation of the Bible. 2. Shared judgement of the entire community of believers to collectively recognize and accept the Bible. 3. The new additions must agree with the established books of scripture. (Textbook pg 52)
One of the evidences outside of the Bible that supports the theistic worldview.
What is a true Christian life. (textbook pg 88-89)
What Ezekiel 28 says about Satan's motivation for rebelling against God.
What is to become like God and pride/ego.
An example of deductive reasoning.
What is .... Premise #1: The Bible says God created all things (John 1:3) (2) Premise #2: I am a thing (3) Conclusion: Therefore, God created me.
Two actions that both David and Christ performed for their people.
What is 1. fought and won a battle that no one else was willing to fight and 2. fought without using only the protection provided by God and his spirit. 3. Fought on God's behalf rather than for personal gain or glory. 4. Triumphed against overwhelming odds. (see textbook pg 24 ItB #3)
The danger in changing translations too quickly.
What is the original meaning and reverence being corrupted by poor copies and personal opinion.
A non-Biblical fact that supports your belief in Creationism.
What is the amazing design of the garden spider that has different types of webs for different tasks and chooses then as necessary.
One of the lies that Satan tells us to convince us to sin.
What is "Sin won't hurt you." (textbook pg 139-140
The weakness of Inductive Bible Study.
What is limitations in building doctrine from theory. (week 1 pg 3)
Of 1 Corinthians 5 and 1 Corinthians 13, the chapter that, in general has a harsher tone.
What is 1 Corinthians 5. (Different purpose than 1 Corinthians 13.)
One of the reasons that new translations are good.
What is to share the gospel with people who speak a different language. (see textbook pg 65)
A fact that evolutionists use to support their belief in evolution as the source of life.
What is ...
One of God's responses to sin.
What is God took the initiative. (textbook pg 145-148)
The 5 W and 1 H questions that we use to do the observation stage of an inductive bible study.
What is Who, What, Where, When, Why, How?
The books that make up the Epistles section of the New Testament.
What are Romans to Jude.
A translation that expresses the thought of the original language phrase by phrase with an emphasis on accuracy and readability.
What is a dynamic translation of the Bible? (textbook pg 69)
A fact that atheists use to support their worldview.
What is the irrationality of a semi-material deity that can only be perceived if you want to.
One of the consequences of sin.
What is pain in childbirth. (textbook pg 146)
The four basic steps of an Inductive Bible Study.
What are Observation, Interpretation, Correlation and Application.