What day is Halloween?
October 31
What are animals preparing for when they start storing food and building their nests?
A young boy, who is banned from music, journeys to the other side of death.
What sugary treat is named after a vegetable and usually has three different colored sections?
Candy Corn
What is the famous autumn festival celebrated in Munich, Germany?
In what direction do birds begin to migrate in autumn?
A young girl discovers a secret door and enters an alternate world resembling her own. It seems better, until she realizes her parallel family wants to keep her there forever.
What popular fruit is picked from trees in the fall and can be turned into pies?
Where is the one continent in the world that you cannot find pumpkins?
When is the first day of Autumn 2023 (Autumn Equinox) in the Northern Hemisphere?
September 23
What bird did Benjamin Franklin want to be the national bird instead of the bald eagle?
What Disney Halloween movie follows Jack Skellington, The Pumpin King, as he discovers Christmas?
The Nightmare Before Christmas
Name this vegetable.
Sweet Potato
Before pumpkins, what root vegetable was traditionally used to carve Jack-O-Lanterns?
A. Turnip
B. Carrot
C. Sweet Potato
What U.S. holiday is celebrated on the second Monday of October?
Indigenous Peoples' Day/ Columbus Day
What do you call a baby turkey?
A. Poult
B. Foal
C. Cub
A group of kids team up to stop three witches who return to Salem on Halloween night.
Hocus Pocus
True or false: The largest pumpkin pie ever made weighed about 2,000 pounds.
False! It weighed 3,700 pounds!
Which US state is the largest pumpkin grower?
Which President made Thanksgiving a national holiday?
A. Zachary Taylor
B. Abraham Lincoln
C. Theodore Roosevelt
Abraham Lincoln
What insect travels from the U.S. to Mexico in the fall?
Monarch Butterflies
Marnie and her siblings get a big shock when they follow grandma home to a mystical place – and find out they come from a family of witches.
What popular warm fall drink contains a combination of cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, cloves, and allspice?
Pumpkin Spice Latte/ Pumpkin Spice Coffee
What green pigment in leaves breaks down, resulting in their colors appearing yellow and orange?