Fallacies 1
Fallacies 2
Fallacies 3
Fallacies 4
Fallacies 5
The missile theory has expert witnesses. For example, just before Flight 800 broke into flames, private pilot Sven Faret reported that he saw "a little pin flash on the ground." In his view, that flash "looked like a rocket launch."
false authority
If it wasn't a missile, a bomb, or mechanical failure, then all that's left is a meteorite.
either/or fallacy
Providing nuclear plants to some countries is too dangerous: what if the plutonium falls into the wrong hands? There’ll be A-bombs in Central Park!
Scare tactics
Either we raise taxes or Social Security fund will go bankrupt.
Either/or Fallacy
She is a feminist; she must hate men.
Non Sequitur
If we begin considering theories other than the one the NTSB is pursuing, the investigation will run in so many directions that we'll never solve anything.
Slippery Slope
The missile theory has no merit. It arose from Pierre Salinger, and he's a kook. Not only is he a reporter, but he's French.
ad hominem
People who don’t support tuition hikes don’t care about our children’s education
Straw man argument
If we let the government ban assault rifles, the next thing you know they’ll be taking all of our guns away.
Slippery Slope
Because of the possibility of a terrorist hijacking or a mechanical failure, flying on a plane is too dangerous and should be avoided altogether.
Scare tactics
Mr. Kadlec believes that this downing won't be solved. "Amelia Earhart crashed," he said. "No one knows why she crashed."
false analogy
One thing that people aren't considering enough is that the plane went down during an election year. Elections bring out the worst in people, a clear example being the Teapot Dome Scandal of 1920.
red herring
The Chinese leader addressed the NYSE and the next thing you know Wall Street crashes.
Faulty Causality
Pvt. Joe Bowers: What are these electrolytes? Do you even know? Secretary of State: They're... what they use to make Brawndo! Pvt. Joe Bowers: But why do they use them to make Brawndo? Secretary of Defense: [raises hand after a pause] Because Brawndo's got electrolytes.
Circular logic
Everyone else is displaying a flag, or a support our troops sticker on their car; therefore, you should too.
The FBI is still convinced that it was a bomb that brought down the aircraft. "The public believes it was a bomb," said Agent John Hunt. "Polls taken the day after the crash indicate that more than 75% of Americans believe it was terrorist's bomb."
If I can balance my checkbook, why can’t the Congress balance the budget?
false analogy
Playing sports makes people more aggressive. Look at all those fights at hockey and basketball games!
Hasty generalization
That boy scout troop made an old lady’s day by visiting and entertaining her in her nursing home; we should give generously to the boy scouts as a result.
My friend, who is serving in the infantry in Iraq, tells me that the government has a secret plan for how to win the War that they won’t release until after the election, and because he is my friend and I like and respect him, this must be true.
False Authority
Evolution is just a theory. Therefore, it shouldn't be taught in the public schools as fact.
Students could focus on courses in their major if all these useless English courses were cancelled.
Begging the question
Last year’s decrease in profits proves restructuring marketing was a disaster.
Hasty generalization
There’s no way a man could ever love a man or a woman could ever love a woman as much as a man and a woman can love each other.
There’s no way a man could ever love a man or a woman could ever love a woman as much as a man and a woman can love each other.
There exist laws of nature. Laws imply the existence of a lawgiver. Therefore, there must be a cosmic lawgiver just as there are societal lawgivers.