Generalizing about a class based upon a small or poor sample.
What is a hasty generalization?
What is it called when someone publishes the private information of someone's anonymous account?
What is doxxing?
A cloud is 90% water; a watermelon is 90% water. Therefore, since a plane can fly through a cloud, a plane can fly through a watermelon.
What is an example of a weak analogy?
What are some specific things that should not be part of your digital footprint? Give 3:
What are location cues, vacation info, and inappropriate content?
Taking a sample from a class of things, then, using the characteristics from that sample, say something about everything in that class is doing this.
What is generalizing or what is a generalization?
The definition of a weak analogy fallacy.
What claims that some items with only minor similarities are the same in almost everything else?
Name one thing that shouldn't be part of an email
What are abbreviations, complaints, slang?
Before you decide whether to vote in my favor at the Board meeting, I would like to remind you that I am your boss and that I can fire you.
What is an example of Appeal to Fear fallacy?
What can some photos have attached to them that puts you at risk if you post them on social media?
Geotags which identify your location in the picture
Strong or weak
What can a generalization be? or What can an analogy be?
The definition of proof by lack of evidence fallacy.
What is claiming something is true simply because nobody has yet given any evidence to the contrary.
What does a troll do?
What is writing inflammatory posts or comments just to antagonize and start fights online.
The Bible talks about Hittites, but nowhere in archaeology has there been found any evidence that those people ever existed. Therefore, they never existed, and the Bible is in error."
What is proof by lack of evidence fallacy?
Give 5 scenarios when your digital footprint could be scoured for information
Applying for a job, Applying for college, running for political office, you are involved in a lawsuit or police investigation, you become famous, your great-grandchildren are doing a genealogy project, you are volunteering at a school or ministry
The similarities between the items being compared are major and the differences only minor.
What is a strong analogy?
Post hoc ergo propt hoc
What is concluding that since A happened before B, A must have caused B?
Give 3 important things to do in response to online harassment
Our rooster crows every morning. Then the sun comes up. Without our rooster it would be dark all the time!
What is an example of post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy?
How do cookies work?
The place where it is not a fallacy for an accuser to say "That person is guilty because he can't prove he didn't do it."
What is a court of criminal law?
If you don't watch out for this, you may be misled by statistical information given. For example, statistics that during the same period of time that toothbrush sales decreased, crime increased.
What is post hoc ergo propter hoc in statistics?
What is asking out/breaking up, sharing bad news, or expressing conflict?
Historic Lincolnshire--visit for a touch of the past.
What is Appeal to Tradition fallacy?
Which app has been banned in U.S. Government settings because of its privacy concerns?
What is TikTok?
The exact translation of the latin words "Post hoc ergo propter hoc."
What is "after this, therefore because of this"?