Son: Dad, why can't I go see Day of the Spatulas with me friends?
Dad: Isn't there some other kind of movie you could go see instead?
What is Red Herring Fallacy?
Condemning an argument because of where it began.
What is Genetic Fallacy?
"We must indeed all hang together, or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately." --Benjamin Franklin
What is Equivocation Fallacy?
How can deforestation be bad when there are so many uses for the wood?
What is Red Herring Fallacy?
Jenny: The American Revolution was one of the highest point in American history. During that time great strides were made in the development of a just government.
Clyde: Naw, it wasn't. I heard George Washington owned slaves.
What is Ad Hominem Fallacy?
"Either you're for the Republican plan, or you're a socialist and therefore, un-American."
What is Either-Or Fallacy?
If our argument attacks the person, instead of the argument itself....
What is Ad Hominem Fallacy?
"I know I need to control my anger. But, Officer, this time my sister was nagging me so much and the only thing I could do was lock her in her closet."
What is Special Pleading Fallacy?
Whilst rallying support for his plan to fundamentally undermine citizens' rights, the Supreme Leader told the people they were either on his side, or they were on the side of the enemy.
What is Either-Or Fallacy?
Neighbor: Why do you like to disturb the neighborhood by playing your music so loud that everybody can hear it a mile away?
What is Loaded Question Fallacy?
Fred: I wouldn't smoke cigarettes if I were's a nasty habit!
Jake: Don't tell me not to smoke. You do it too!
What is Tu Quoque Fallacy?
Arguing that an action is OK because "You do it too!"
What is Tu Quoque Fallacy?
Everybody's buying these new llama wool coats. They must be warm!
What is Appeal to the People Fallacy?
What is Proof by Lack of Evidence Fallacy?
When the judge asked the defendant why he hadn't paid his parking fines, he said that he shouldn't have to pay them because the sign said 'Fine for Parking Here' and so he naturally presumed that it would be fine to park there.
What is Equivocation Fallacy?
Plaintiff: Judge, I'm not lying. I'm a religious person, and religious people never lie.
Judge: How do I know you're a religious person?
Plaintiff: Because I would never lie.
What is Circular Reasoning Fallacy?
Concluding that since A happened before B, A must have caused B.
What is Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc Fallacy?
Mother: I think you have been playing too many of those video games lately.
Son: Oh, so you think I should just throw away my $1,000 video game collection and sit in my room all day?
What is Straw Man Fallacy?
Shopkeeper: The Smith family has always been hardworking and creative; I don't doubt that Bubba Smith will make a good employee.
What is Whole-to-Part Fallacy?
Communist governments always end in failure. Look what happened to the Soviet Union.
What is Hasty Generalization Fallacy?
Three months ago, we were all doing fine....the economy was great, the nation was at peace. Then we elected a new president. Since then everything has gone downhill! It's obvious the new president has ruined everything!
What is Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc?
If we go to President Trump to see how we should plant our gardens in our backyard to produce the most fruits and vegetables and flowers.....
What is Faulty Appeal to Authority Fallacy?
If you break your diet and have one cookie tonight, you will just want to eat 10 cookies tomorrow, and before you know it, you will have gained back the 15 pounds you lost.
What is Slippery Slope Fallacy?
You visit a new country and the first person you meet in the airport is rude. You send a message to a friend back home that everyone in this new country is rude.
What is Hasty Generalization Fallacy?
A cloud is 90 percent water; a watermelon is 90 percent water. Therefore, since a plane can fly through a cloud, a plane can fly through a watermelon.
What is Weak Analogy Fallacy?