Shifting the burden of proof
Thinking instead of proving your claim is true, the other person has to prove it's false.
Hunting animals is a good thing because my family has done it for generations.
Appeal to tradition.
Karl has a funny haircut, you cant trust people with funny haircuts
ad hominem
I like pets, everyone should.
Anecdotal Evidence.
A claim has to be true/false, because you cannot prove that it is true/false (opposite).
Appeal to ignorance
Arguing that your oppositions point is false, rather than proving your own point is true.
Shifting the burden of proof.
"Think of the children ..."
Appeal to emotion
I did the rain dance and the next day it rained, im basically a wizard
correlation causation
He was at the party, he must be the killer
Hasty generalization, correlation causation
Misrepresenting another person's argument to make them look bad
Strawman fallacy
Daily double,
Just because something is natural, it must be good
Naturalistic fallacy.
When a website uses sensational titles to grab your attention, aka clickbait
Appeal to emotions, open to debate for others
Dr. Johnson says that drinking wine is good for your health, so it must be true
Appeal to authority.
All dogs are cute
unqualified generalization
Taking an argument to an exaggerated extreme, if x then y (really bad thing)
Slippery slope
Stereotypes, generalizations about a groups
Ecological Fallacy
The ice cream melted because my dogs got out.
Red herring.
If you vote for me, you get Fridays off
Appeal to emotions
In a debate about gun control, someone argues that any regulation at all will lead to a to a total ban on guns, this is what fallacy.
Daily doubles,
Repeating the same points in different words
Begging the question.
Using two different definitions of the same word to prove your point
Ecological fallacy
Donald Trump has a background in tv, not politics
Straw man
A local town set a new low temperature record therefore global warming does not exist, this is what fallacy
cherry picking
Two or more things happen in close proximity, so they must be related or prove the other