Mixed bag
Avoiding The Question
Making Assumptions
Statistical Fallacies

Do you really believe there is a God?  You know the Bible outlaws seafood and cotton-polyester blends right? 

What is a Red Herring fallacy?


Of course Thomas Jefferson's ideas on the separation of church and state are wrong.  He was one of the biggest slave owners in Virginia. 

What is genetic fallacy?


Teacher:  I can't fail that students sloppy artwork.  He will never try anything creative again and end up at some boring desk job jockeying numbers. 

What is a slippery slope fallacy?


What is a weak analogy?


Little Brother:"I'm gonna repeat everything you say until you let me read your comic book."

Big brother: "seriously?"

Little brother: "seriously?"

what is repetition fallacy?


"I know everybody thinks Einstein's theory of relativity is correct, but I can't accept it.  Einstein didn't comb his hair."

What is ad hominem attack?


Professor:  "You're against Obama because you don't like black people or poor people or female people."

What is a straw man fallacy?


Can you live with yourself at night knowing that your political party jeopardizes the future of all young business owners?  Please answer yes or no. 

What is a loaded question fallacy? 


What is a hasty generalization??


Don't punt the pitiPup off your balcony! Look at his adorable little paws and limpid eyes! And the sidewalk is concrete!

What is a appeal to pity fallacy?


Ray:  I'm worried about the economy. I think we are entering a depression. 

Fin: I wouldn't worry.  I heard that 89% of Americans believe the economy is improving. 

What is an appeal to people fallacy? 


Parent:  Don't throw your pizza at your brother.

Child:  But you tossed it around multiple times before you baked it. 

What is Tu Quoque?


Jesus says getting angry at your brother is unlawful.  I'm calling the cops right now. 

What is equivocation fallacy?


I voted in two national elections and nothing changed. So, I decided to finally quit trying.  (that's 8 years people!)

What is a hasty generalization fallacy?


"Dear toddler, if you touch the electrical outlet again you'll be disciplined."

What is appeal to fear fallacy?


You can obey your mother or you can have fun.  So, you'll either be bored for your whole life or die young.  Good luck!

What is an either/or fallacy?


Senator Ribbet is a liar!  You shouldn't listen to his opinion on anything.

What is Ad Hominem Attack?


Wow! European sports are so much better than American sports.  You can see why the USA is so lame compared to Europe. 

What is circular reasoning?


What is a weak analogy?


Lobbyist: " The policy change is a huge step forward(500 out of 500 voted yes, after all)"

What is a Bandwagon fallacy?


The Kansas City Chiefs worked really hard and won the Superbowl. If all the NFL teams try that hard next year they will all win the Superbowl too. 

What is a part to whole fallacy?


"Adam wasn't the first human.  My personal chef explained how we evolved from apes."

What is faulty appeal to authority fallacy?


The Washington Post is an intellectually lazy and whiny magazine.  Therefore, this article's author is intellectually lazy and whiny. 

What is a whole to part fallacy?


Rock music is bad for you.  I heard a test was done with cows.  Two cows listened to music.  One listened to Mozart and the other to heavy metal.  The one that listened to Mozart produced more milk.  The other ate more, knocked over the milk bucket and grew a horn. 

What is a weak analogy?


Alexander The Great: "Advisors, i'm almost 23.....i'd better invade if i want to be the youngest World Boss Ever."

What is Exigency fallacy