What season comes after fall?
What season comes before fall?
How would you describe winter?
A. Hot
B. Warm
C. Cold
D. Rainy
Free Answer: What happens to trees in fall?
Possible answers: Leaves fall off, the leaves change color
In the northern hemisphere, we experience winter. What does the southern hemisphere experience? (Hint: Think opposite!)
Winter starts on...
December 21st
September 22nd
What kind of weather happens in fall?
A. Wind
B. Rain
C. Snow
D. Sunny
(Rain and storms are possible as well)
What is a holiday that occurs in winter?
How many sides does a snowflake have?
A. 6
B. 8
C. 10
D. 4
6 sides
Fall ends on...
December 21st
Winter ends on...
March 20th
What's the most common type of weather in winter?
A. Snow
B. Rain
C. Sunny
D. Wind
What is a holiday that occurs in fall?
Possible Answers: Halloween, Thanksgiving, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Day of the Dead, Mid-Autumn Festival/Moon Festival, Diwali
True or False? In the northern hemisphere, winter is when the earth is closest to the sun.
(What season is it actually if the earth is closest to the sun?)
What season comes after winter?
What type of temperature does fall experience?
A. 20s-30s
B. 80s-90s
C. 70s-80s
D. 40s-50s
Which of these things are something you are least likely to NOT do in fall?
A. Rake leaves
B. Go trick-or-treating
C. Wear sweaters
D. Shovel snow
E. Celebrate Thanksgiving
Shovel snow
(What other things would you not do in fall?)
True (It's called the Harvest Moon!)
What is fall another word for?
A. August
B. Autumn
C. Winter
D. Spring
What type of temperature does winter experience?
A. 0s-10s
B. 50s-60s
C. 80s-90s
D. 10s-20s
E. 30s-40s
0s-10s and 10s-20s
(Half point: 30s-40s is possible, but very late winter only)
Which of these things are something you are least likely to NOT do in winter?
A. Shovel snow
B. Wear gloves
C. Wear sunglasses
D. Make snow angels
E. Slip on ice
Wear sunglasses
(What are other things you wouldn't do in winter?)
True or False? Pumpkin spice includes pumpkins in its ingredients.
False (Pumpkin spice is actually the spice mix used for pumpkin pies, but doesn't actually include pumpkin!)