English word: code. Spanish translation: ??

Spanish word: codo. English translation: ??

Spanish translation: código. Example: What is the country code? 

English translation: elbow. Example: My elbow hurts. 


English word: college. Spanish translation: ??

Spanish word: colegio. English translation: ??

Spanish translation: universidad. Example: This is my last year in college.

English translation: school or highschool. Example: I need to take my son to school. 


English word: to envy. Spanish translation: ??

Spanish word: enviar. English translation: ??

Spanish translation: envidiar. Example: Everyone envies her. 

English translation: to send. Example: I sent you a letter. 


English word: exit. Spanish translation: ??

Spanish word: éxito. English translation: ??

Spanish translation: salida. Example: The exit is to the right.

English translation: success. Example: Self trust is the first secret of success. 


English word: large. Spanish translation: ??

Spanish word: largo. English translation: ??

Spanish translation: grande. Example:   The dog is very large.

English translation: long. Example: I want long hair. 


English word: Actual - Spanish translation: ?? 

Spanish word: Actual - English translation: ??

Spanish translation Exacto o real .  Example: The actual translation is different. 

English translation: Current. Example: This is my current number. 


English word: carpet.  Spanish translation: ??

Spanish word: carpeta. English translation: ??

Spanish translation: alfombra. Example: The carpet is very dirty. 

English translation: folder. Example: Put the papers in the blue folder.


English word: to introduce. Spanish translation: ??

Spanish word: introducir. English translation: ??

Spanish translation: presentar. Example: I want to introduce you to my friend. 

English translation: insert. Example: Insert the card.


English word: fabric. Spanish translation: ??

Spanish word: fábrica. English translation: ??

Spanish translation: tela. Example: This fabric is so soft.

English translation: factory. Example: There is a factory near my house.


English word: success. Spanish translation: ??

Spanish word: suceso. English translation: ??

Spanish translation: éxito. Example: He has had great success. 

English translation: event / incident. Example: The event happened at 8 in the morning.


English word: to record. Spanish translation: ??

Spanish word: recordar. English translation: ??

Spanish translation: grabar. Example: She recorded the class. 

English translation: to remember. Example: Do you remember the answer? 


English word: to realize. Spanish translation: ??

Spanish word: realizar. English translation: ??

Spanish translation: darse cuenta. Example: I just realized what time it is. 

English translation: to do / carry out. Example: We will do the project together. 


English word: disgust. Spanish translation: ??

Spanish word: disgusto. English translation: ??

Spanish translation: asco. Example: That disgusts me. 

English translation: annoyance. Example: He couldn’t hide his annoyance. 


English word: library. Spanish translation: ??

Spanish word: librería. English translation: ??

Spanish translation: biblioteca. Example: I love going to the library.

English translation: book store / office supply store. Example: Do you want me to buy you something from the office supply store? 


English word: lecture. Spanish translation: ??

Spanish word: lectura. English translation: ??

Spanish translation: clase / conferencia. Example:   Do you want to attend the lecture with me? 

English translation: reading. Example: We’re going to start with the first reading


English word: assist. Spanish translation: ??

Spanish word: asistir. English translation: ??

Spanish translation: ayudar. Example: Can you assist me with this? 

English translation: to attend. Example: He did not attend the meeting yesterday. 


English word: choke. Spanish translation: ??

Spanish word: choque. English translation: ??

Spanish translation: asfixiar. Example: The dust is choking him.

English translation: to crash. Example: The car crashed into a motorcycle. 


English word: nude. Spanish translation: ??

Spanish word: nudo. English translation: ??

Spanish translation: desnudo. Example: He refused to appear nude in the film. 

English translation: knot. Example: I can’t untie the knot.


English word: to support. Spanish translation: ??

Spanish word: soportar. English translation: ??

Spanish translation: apoyar. Example: They are a great support group. 

English translation: to put up with. Example: I have to put up with their bad mood.


English word: ultimately. Spanish translation: ??

Spanish word: últimamente. English translation: ??

Spanish translation: a la larga. Example: Ultimately, the decision is yours.

English translation: lately. Example: I have had medical issues lately. 


English word: bomber Spanish translation: ??

Spanish word: bombero English translation: ??

Spanish translation: bombardeo. Example: Bomber planes were sent out with fighter escorts. 

English translation: firefighter.  Example: The firefighters arrived to put out the fire. 


English word: constipated. Spanish translation: ??

Spanish word: constipado. English translation: ??

Spanish translation: estreñido. Example: My stomach hurts, I’m constipated. 

English translation: stuffed up. Example: I’ve been stuffed up for five days. 


English word: sensible. Spanish translation: ??

Spanish word: sensible. English translation: ??

Spanish translation: sensato / prudente. Example: He was sensible enough to mind his own business. 

English translation: sensitive. Example: My teeth are very sensitive.


English word: mayor. Spanish translation: ??

Spanish word: mayor. English translation: ??

Spanish translation: alcalde. Example: Who is the mayor? 

English translation: bigger/ older. Example: He is my older brother. 


English word: delight. Spanish translation: ??

Spanish word: delito. English translation: ??

Spanish translation: deleite/deleitar. Example: The song delighted me.

English translation: crime. Example: There's too much crime and violence on TV.