is a Swedish economist and author
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What is the “period when we started forming our identity and experienced many firsts”?
Reminiscence Bump
In May 2021, Amazon’s average starting warehouse wage matched the inflation-adjusted 1950s autoworker wage of this amount.
what is 17 dollars per hour?
coined the term nostalgia
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What decade was not seen as a time of secure employment, rising wages, and improved benefits?
term that describes this nostalgic longing for the past
what is false nostalgia
What is a necessary human psychological trait, but it's not a governing philosophy?
This historian launched an oral history project on 1950s autoworkers and expected to hear stories about a "lost Eden."
Who is Daniel Clark?
what percentage of the population of the holy roman empire o the german nation spoke german?
By the end of the year, what list of things grow longer and what list of things gets shorter?
Good things grow longer, bad things get shorter.
a key factor contributes to this misconception about the past being simpler and better
what is selective memory
What is the bracket of time in which older generations believed that life was better during a certain decade?
10-20 years after they were born
This famous child psychologist warned that increasing divorce rates would soon destroy the American family.
Who is John Watson?
other than building whats another example of false nostalgia presented
ethnicities and nations
Who should we beware of who believes that things were better in the past?
Politicians, populists, and parents
the example of false nostalgia used in the intro
what is the mock castle of hadley park
Why is it that older generations believed that life was better during their youth?
Because life is exciting during their youth and they learn the realities of life as they get older.
In the 1920s, people worried that this new invention was making life too fast.
What is the radio?
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ethnic nationalism
For dementia sufferers, what can nostalgia do?
Establish some sense of personal continuity.
he smashed his house and turned it into a ruin
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What are two influential nostalgic tv shows stated in the text?
Happy Days and Stranger Things
During the Victorian era, people became nostalgic and started collecting these old objects.
What are antiques?
in what conditions do people typically feel nostalgia
rapid transitions
According to Levinovitz, what are three kinds of nostalgia?
Personal, historical, and collective.