What year did Wawa and Drew marry?
What is Rachel's favorite color?
What is Ellery's and Keller's majors?
Ellery- accounting
Keller- political science/ history
How many years did Mom teach at WKU
26 years
What is his favorite thing to cook on?
How many states has Wawa lived in?
How many states has Rachel and Jamie lived in?
What is Ellery's favorite TV show?
What is Ayla's favorite childhood book?
Used Up Bear
If he could spend a day with one animated character who would it be?
Bugs Bunny
What was Drew's last job?
Director of HR for Giant Food
What is Jamie's major?
Social Work
What is Keller's favorite game?
Victoria 2
Mom's favorite snack?
What activity was he inloved in Senior year of high school
Cross country
What was Drew's favorite city he has ever lived in?
What is Rachel's favorite horror movie
Killer Klowns from outer space
What unconventional animal would Keller have as a pet?
What is Mom's favorite movie?
The Princess Bride
What was his first dog's name or breed?
Pitbull named Sasha
What is Wawa's favorite childhood book?
Trixie Beldon
If Jamie could be in any extracurricular what would it be?
What is Ellery's favorite childhood cartoon character?
Lola Bunny
The favorite sport Ayla has ever played
Favorite Childhood book
Eternal Champion: The three who are one