Classic Video Games
Famous Explorers
Pop Culture
Olympic Games

Ms. Pac-Man, the 1982 sequal to Pac-Man, differs from the original character in that she wears one of these on her head.

What is a Bow


This explorer gave the European world their first insights on China, India, Japan and other Asian cities and countries. Kublai Khan was Impressed by this man's intelligence and humility was appointed to serve as Khan's foreign emissary. A form of tag played in a swimming pool is named for this explorer

Who is Marco Polo


In 2014 Billboard listed Sunshine & Whiskey & Day Drinking as hot songs in this genre

What is Country


From the Old English word for treasure this disorder is characterized by the inability to discard things

What is Hoarding


The Summer Olympic Games are held every four years. The 2020 games were planned for this city, however that may change

What is Tokyo


This 1978 arcade game created by Tomohiro Nishikado and published by Midway sees players controlling a laser cannon by moving it horizontally across the bottom of the screen and firing at descending aliens 

What is Space Invaders 


Born in Genoa, Italy in 1451, this explorer was rejected by Italy and England before receiving funding from Spain to sail west in search of a faster route to India

Who is Christopher Columbus


This actress's big-screen credits include E.T. & 50 First Dates

Who is Drew Barrymore 


It's genetics or upbringing in this classic debate of 2 words with the same second syllable

What is Nature Vs. Nurture 


This Jamaican set the 100-meter race record at 9.63 seconds in the 2012 Olympic Games

Who is Usain Bolt


The Konami Code, Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Start, was made famous by this game. The code increased player's life count from three, to thirty.

What is Contra

Daily Double

This Norse explorer from Iceland is the first known European to have set foot on continental North America

Who is Leif Erikson 


Skeletons and Creepers are common enemies fought in this blocky game

What is Minecraft


He coined the term psychoanalysis

Who is Sigmund Freud 


ThIS Olympic swimmer went 7 for 7 for gold medals in the 1972 Munich Olympic Games.

Who is Mark Spitz


Known as the Beam Gun in Japan, this NES accessory was necessary to play the games Duck Hunt, Barker Bill's Trick Shooting and Wild Gunman

What is the NES Zapper


This  Portuguese explorer is credited as the first explorer to circumnavigate the globe. In reality, his expedition was the first, as he was killed partway through the journey on the Philippine island of Mactan 

Who is Ferdinand Magellan 


Vin Diesel named his daughter Pauline after this late co-star of his

Who is Paul Walker


Daily Double

Ivan Pavlov training dogs to salivate when a bell rings is an example of this classic type of reflex or response

What is Classical Conditioning 


The Paralympic Games were first held in this year

What is 1960


Credited as the first video game, this predecessor to pong was created by American physicist William Higinbotham in 1958.

What is Tennis for Two or Computer Tennis


This man is famous for his journeys into the Antarctic. After being sent home ill from an expedition to the Antarctic in 1901 he led the infamous Trans-Antarctic Expedition in 1914. 

Who is Sir Ernest Shackleton 


A 2013 Internet sensation gets its name from this dance going back to the '80s

What is the Harlem Shake


From the Sanskrit for circle in Jungian psychology, it's a symbol for the effort to unify the self

What is a mandala


The Olympic Games were abolished by Roman Emperor Theodosius in 393 A.D. The Olympic Games were practice now are known as the "Modern Olympics" and began in this year.

What is 1896