What is brightness measured in?
Biggest salary in the department
A. No
B. Yes
A. no
Hockey is the 2nd most played sport in the world (after football/soccer)
A. Yes
B. no
A. yes
avocados are a fruit
A. yes
B. no
dose it have autopilot
no! not a tesla
Lightning deaths per year
about 20
they like art???
A. Yes
B. No
A. yes
field hockey was invented in the early 1800s
A. yes
B. no
B. no it was the 1700s
raspberries are a vegetable
A. yes
B. no
B. no
Gas type!
A. premium
C. Benzin
How hot is a lightsaber?
20,000 to 25,000
Art was in the olympics
A. No
B. Yes
B. Yes until 1956
women's field hockey has the fastest swing
A. yes
B. no
B. No - Men’s hockey has the fastest swing speed of any sport reaching around 103 miles per hour
There's more water in cucumber than watermelon
A. no
B. yes
B. yes
year volkswagen founded (exact)
How many miles can light go in a second?
A. 192,381 miles per second
B. 186,282 miles per second
C. 188,519 miles per second
b. 186,282 miles per second
Van Gogh Was married
A. Yes
B. No
field hockey's original name?
A. Stick and grass
B. Shinty
C. Mairteoil
B. Shinty
Caesar salad is from italy
A. no
B. yes
A. no
horse power (15 or less off only)
How hot can a lightning bolt get in fahrenheit
who was Claude Monet?
was a popular caricaturist working under the name ‘Oscar Monet’ before becoming the renowned impressionist painter we know him as today. His original caricatures sold for just 10-20 francs each. In 2019 one of his early sketches was sold in New York for $37,575.
who is the Best player ever!
Major Dhyan Chand
is it safe to eat
A. opossum
B. shark
C. dog
A. opossum
Resale value
A. $34,968