What is the age gap between Danielito and Anibal?
15 Years
What company does Tia Irela work for?
What was Guela Flore's moms' name?
Which second cousin is having a baby soon?
Which month doesn't have a family member's birthday?
How many of ALL the cousins have middle names?
9 People
Where was Tio Rodo born?
What is Guelo and Guela's age gap?
7 years
Which Tia Abuela has the least grandkids?
Tia Mirtha
How many living pets are in the family?
4: Two Dogs, Two Cats
How many cousins were NOT born in Galveston? Name them just for fun.
4: Naty, Nadia, Dani, Gael
Who was the only sibling that was pregnant in multiple sibling weddings?
Tia Ermila
How many sisters does Guela have?
4 Sisters
How many sons did Tia Elena have?
4 sons
Who do Aitana and Sarah share a birthday with?
How many cousins don't have a Salinas Tio/Tia as padrinos?
9 Cousins
Who got married on November 25th?
Oziel and Lulu
How many sisters did Guelo have?
4 Sisters
What are Tia Alicia's kids' names?
Daniela and Mateo
Which sibling worked in the most cities?
Tio Baldo
How many Boyfriends/Girlfriends has Guela met?
4 Ana, 1 Ani, 2 Andrea, 3 Grecia, 2 Paola, 2 Sof, 1 Vladi, 1 Gracie, 1 Naty = 17 total
What year did Tia Isela start working at UTMB?
What was Guelos parent's names?
Lupe and Aurora
How many of Guela Paula's grandkids live in Mexico?
7 grandkids
Approximately, how many people were in Sofi's high school graduating class?
around 40