Hvem vil være millionær
Sange oversat 100 ganeg
Gæt filmen ud fra et bad review
Hvilken lotr karakter sagde det

Which of the following men does not have a chemical element named for him? 


A: Albert Einstein 

B: Niels Bohr 

C: Isaac Newton

D: Enrico Fermi 

C: Isaac Newton


Is this true in your life? What? Do you also have nude colors?
There is no escape from the land because of the Jordan River.
Talk to Himron.
I'm a poor boy, I need no pity
I drive, he takes, le gun
Lithgow, painter
In Hilven, Sam talked about Pala. It doesn't really matter to me.
Pier, the Alliance Chamber is dead.
Weapons, mods, cheats with my tracker, nothing else
Moore's life changed. 




Bohemian rhapsody


15 minutes into the film, I prayed to the heavens everyone of them would just drown and be done with it!! 




Hvilken sport dyrker Simone Biles?



“You shall not pass!” 


— Gandalf, The Fellowship of the Ring


What Shakespeare character says, "Something is rotten in the state of Denmark"? 


A: Hamlet 

B: Marcellus

C: Horatio’ 

D: Laertes 







B: Marcellus



Hans tur kom hurtigere end forventet. Ved midnat Nu er vi forelskede igen. Ved midnat Gassen gik gennem vinduet. Og et barn kom ud af værelset, ja. Ved midnat Ved midnat 



Midt om natten


Snippets from Lord of the Rings, Dracula, Ender's Game, to name a few, were bluntly used throughout the book and meshed together to form this trashy, 2 cents of a fantasy story. Oh well, as long as it keeps my children reading.
But the movie... oh, well, now that's plain sad. I don't recall ever seeing such forced adaptation of a book to a movie. Everything about this movie is wrong. The younger actors act so bad they seem to take part of some sorry school play, the CG effects are ridiculously unrealistic, the script is just a scribble of the original book's text rather than telling an actual story. And the list goes on. 


Harry potter  


Hvilken tennisspiller bliver også kaldt 'The King of Clay'?

Rafael Nadal


“Even the smallest person can change the course of the future.” 


— Galadriel, The Fellowship of the Ring


In the history of motor sport, which of these iconic races was held first? 


Le mans 24 hours 


Monaco grand prix 


Indy 500 


Isle of man tt



Isle of man tt


Ingen gør mig gladere end dig.
Jeg ved, at alle kigger på mig.
Jeg har set dem alle.
og "Følg mig ikke!"
Det husker jeg også
Klokken var omkring 17.00.
Jeg vil ikke gå
Alt er her
Der er ikke noget at skamme sig over.
Men det er min skyld
Jeg sagde, at det ikke ville vare længe.
Han kyssede mig på læberne, og jeg gik i seng.
Jeg vil til dig 



Lidt i fem


My wife and I decided to watch this ORIGINAL blank version after the remake got poorer reviews and after its cult status was additionally affirmed by multiple crossword puzzle references. We wound up shaking our heads afterwards, wondering what made it such a winner. The story is simplistic and violent, and some of the images seem awfully retro in their impact -- for example, all the good guys are a lovely light tawny shade while the villains are dark and, in one scene, the huge glowing eyes and teeth in the dark faces seem designed to make children afraid of African faces for life. The music was very so-so, the voice-acting generally good. There are many other movies I would want to see before trying this one again.  



The lion king


Færdiggør sætningen: 'but can he do it on a ______ ______ night in Stoke?'

cold rainy



There is courage also, and honor to be found in Men." 





Which of the following landlocked countries is entirely contained within another country? 



A: Lesotho

B: Burkina Faso 

C: Mongolia 

D: Luxembourg 


A: Lesotho



Nå, mor, jeg kalder det et "sødt halsbånd". For jeg skal komme for sent i skole Jeg er med dig i aften Mit job er at spille helten i nattens storm. Ja, jeg gjorde det her for dig.’ 





  • Fortnite all night


Sometimes when you cook a dish for your guests, you think that you'll make it more tasteful if you keep adding ingredients over ingredients; so, you have made this nice pizza, you have put your tomato sauce, your mozzarella cheese, maybe some ham, then you think why not some mushrooms, and well peppers will be just perfect on top it, and don't forget olives and cappers, hey we have some sausage in the fridge just slam it on top of it....etc. Most likely your guests will spend the night wrestling with your heavy-loaded pizza, trying to digest it. Well, that is how I feel after watching blank 



Avengers infinity war


Hvor blev det første vinter-OL afholdt (1924)?



“Saruman! A wizard should know better.” 




— Treebeard, The Two Towers


What great thinker's death is attributed to a chill he caught while stuffing a chicken with snow for an experiment on refrigeration? 


A: Pythagoras 


B: Archimedes 

C: Isaac Newton 

D: Francis Bacon

D: Francis Bacon


Ms. Mia, we're here!
How can I prevent it?
Is Mia's mother coming back?
how much money do i need sir 



-mamma mia  



After blowing up a giant floating orange and being given a medal (for that?!?) , our Farm boy finds him self not in Kansas anymore . In fact not even northern Canada gets this Cold. Now the blank are hiding on a planet with plenty of available ice for cocktails. And you the viewer will need it. 



Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back


Hvilken sport dyrkede Joachim B. Olsen, hvor han bl.a. vandt en bronzemedalje ved OL, som senere blev til en sølvmedalje?



“Looks like meat’s back on the menu, boys!” 

— Ugluk, The Two Towers