How many parenting styles did we discuss?
Oldest child is 2 1/2 to 6 years old.
One parent and his or her children
Single-parent family
These are not allowed in the classroom and MUST be kept in your locker.
Cell phones
What are our school colors?
Brown and Gold
Little respect, children are allowed to do their own thing.
Ages 6-13 years old
Family with school age children
Consists of a couple and their children.
Who needed to read and sign your syllabus?
Student and parent/guardian
Do all things with.......
Firm control but fair. Children are cooperative and friendly
Once the oldest child leaves the home for independent adult life, the family is in this stage.
Launching Center
Children from a previous relationship.
Blended or Step
Show this towards other's and their property.
There is no place like...
Our classroom
Low parental demands. Delinquent behavior.
First child is between the ages of birth to 2 1/2 years old.
Childbearing family
Takes care of children on a temporary basis. Must be licensed by the state.
Foster Family
Reproducing someone else's work, not doing your own work, a form of cheating.
How many sides does a standards pencil have?
Parents try to control child's behavior and attitudes.
Children are unhappy and distrustful.
If you are the oldest child, your family fits in the stage of the Family Life Cycle
Family with adolescents.
Grandparents, cousins and your favorite aunt.
Extended Family
You get graded on these. Examples include:
Communication, teamwork, being on time, leadership skills, etc.
Employability skills
What is our classroom number?