Break ito pieces; become disorganized, ineffective, a faulure, etc.
Fall apart
What word would you find in a relative clause? (identifying word)
Which, that, who,...ect
Return to success, fame, popularity, tendiness, ect.
Think of something as the main reason for living
Live for
More than 2.3 million children live in poverty in the UK, which is one of the highest poverty rates in the inductrialized world.
What is the non-restrictive relative clause?
which is one of the highest poverty rates in the inductrialized world.
Twins, triplts, quadruplets, ect.
what does "rely on" mean
Depend on; trust; have confidence in
I was reading one report that said one in four children in the US has limited access to proper nutrition, standard santitation, and basic education.
What is the defining relative cluase?
that said one in four children in the US has limited access to proper nutrition, standard santitation, and basic education.
Define Nuclear family
group consisting of parents and their biological children.
What is another word for the phrasal verb "Take in" meaning to bring into your family; provide shelter for.
This is a disheartening and surprising outcome for a country that generates close to 30% of the worlds GDP.
What type of relative clause is underlined in this sentence?
Defining relative clause
What does "kin" mean?
ones famiy as well as close and distant realitives
What does "feel for" mean
Have sympathy or campassion towards
One thirs of children living in proverty don't have a parent who works fulltime hours, which of course impacts health care and other benefits.
What is the relative clause(s) (identify and type)
defining relative clause: who works fulltime hours
Non-restrictive relative clause: which of course impacts health care and other benefits.
What word would you use to describe a family that has children from a previous marriage, and possibly children from current marraige
Blended family